New to Qatar

By cha glennie •
Hey everyone. I'm very new to Qatar and from Singapore.
Is it just me or is it normal to feel lonely and out of place in a new environment?.
I haven't made any friends and it's just me and my 5 year old boy when my husband is at work.. any advice on how to push pass my bubble?
dont worry when u feel alone jus leave a msge 55046814
Thanks Ola I'm in Al wakra for now but I did look at a few yoga studios they've got on near salwa so maybe I might try and have a look. I've never done yoga so this would be Interesting.
You are most Welcome.. :)
Thank you.
Welcome to Qatar...
wirehead* i've sent a request to be friends but they haven't accepted me yet. we'll see.
there are quite a handful of singaporeans here and they have an organization. try to look for the red dotters in qatar
Ola* Singapore is nice to stay.. always very busy it's very small and so many people you can hardly have peace haha! but yeah my husband thinks i should explore more.. and im just.. well maybe shy and since im in al wakra it'll take time for me to get comfortable i guess.
Paj its really sweet of you to offer to drive us around :)
thank you for all the advices!
Guess men too think the same that staying in Qatar is like living alone in an isolated land as women, based on skewed M/F ratios here, have better chance of getting, if not female, atleast a male buddy, but men do not have the luxury to have a female buddy as easily and definitely not a male buddy, for obvious reasons....:) Anyways, just cos I have hundreds of interests (developed specifically to survive happily in Qatar most of which would be dumped if I move to a more social place) I dont remember I ever felt alone or craved for company, in 5 yrs, even though am single...:) You will find your feet too, most of us did.
for women, staying is Qatar is like living alone in an isolated island, especially for women... if you have internet at home try to play games on line to avoid boredom... it is what am doing every night for the past 5 mos since I arrive here in Doha...
if your husband is busy at work I can drive you & your child around Doha during Friday & Saturday which is my day off...
well i guess its the same for everyone :)..cant help thing to do is to try and occupy urself with something..for example :go and join a yoga lesson ( No offence), which i believe is a place, where u cud make loads of friends :), or maybe some zumba ... or anything where ur sure they will be plenty of people that who would make good buddies...dont worry...give it some time, and it'll be fine :)
*britexpat thanks! will be a long while before Nic gets to be in school here but im sure eventually it'll all work out.. while waiting for that to happen it seems like days goes by in a daze
*blueboy hahah well its my husband's job and we thought we'd take the challenge..
What you are feeling is natural. It takes time to settle in and find 'like minded friends". Try to get details of any clubs or gatherings from your embassy. Make friends from your child's school. There are coffee get togethers for mothers. It will get better.
Welcome !! lolz
Havent visited Singapore yet so cant comment on your decision of shifting to Qatar, but I am afraid am gonna disappoint you on Qatar environment, which is as you are feeling it... :( I left dubai for qatar, and I am regretting my decision everyday.. Now am planning to move back to dubai..
*Popeye that's very sweet of you.
*Thelonius what do you mean 'buy friends'?
hello. i can be your friend. hehe