Kitten in need of immediate home...
Guys, this kitten has a duration of a week, and it'll go out on the streets and die of hunger.
Please guys, someone, for the sake of humanity left, take this kitten in your arms and keep her safe and sound.
I brought her home thinking my parents would be human enough to understand (I know, it's my fault too), but instead they said throw her out on the street, may allah swt punish those who oppress.
I bought her a bed, pots, food and litter. She is litter trained, really nice and will definitely be an amazing pet.
I wish I had my own house to keep her, in fact I even cried about the fact that these people whom raised me up have no hearts and could do the same to me.
Now, the cat is with one of my older friends, he can only keep her for a week..please please..pick up the phone if you're an adult and take her in..please please.
I'll leave this to god and you people who might feel like me.
"An atom's weight of good can take you to heaven, and an atom's weight of bad can take you to hell"
She's four months old
Call my friend Munir 5591 2357
what a lovely cat, Insha allah she will get home very soon.
Hope you find a home for this lovely cat...
Wollve, Situation is not as serious as you assume ...... I am sure another friend of yours will be more than happy to take the ' Heroine ' permanently .... only you have to ask from the core of your heart ...
Tue, 21.01.2014 , 06.06 hrs ....