Happy New Year :)

By muhammad yasir ... •
May the new year that follow be the best you,
have ever had Have a Happy new Year,
May this new year brings all the, crazy color and fum in your life,
Wishing you Prosperous Happy New Year !
New year brings just happiness not tear
everybody loves only you dear,
all your problems will be finish,
its for you my special new year’s wish,
Before the sun sets,
in this year Before the memories fade
Before the networks get jammed
Wish you and your family Happy Sparkling New Year !
KInd Regards,
Muhammad Yasir Siddiqui
Thanks & Good luck , Gerarra. Wish you same ..!
Thu, 02.01.2014, 13.22
مبارك الرابعة تحتفل بالسنة الكاملة إن شاء الله
Happy New year for all , Zeus Bless you all , Submit to Harry Potter , the great magician , messenger from Zeus .
Happy New Year, MM. May this 2014 bring a lot of happiness and good health to you and your loved ones.
TC .... Greetings to you ...... and your input is very valuable .....
Wed, 01.01.2014 , 11.28 hrs ..
Again, Happy New Year to all of you, I don't care if you're a Muslim, Christian or whatever religion, I would still say this to your face, HAPPY 2014!
Gerarra, Correct, Elephants { high pride people } can't separate sugar from the sand it requires to be an ant { a humble being } to taste the sweetness of life ...
Wed, 01.01.2014 , 11.25 hrs ..
O.o so much hate, on a simple act of friendly greeting?
One needs two hands to clap.
I have said so many times let barking dogs bark alone ..... but always there is one sucker who takes the bait.
So two persons messed this up.
Gerarra, It remains to be seen if they realize & repent for spoiling a very beautiful celebratory theard on the first day of 2014 ...
Wed, 01.01.2014 , 11.15 hrs ..
So two names came up ... Thelonius & Madiha. .....
Folks, It's the only way forward ..... because who is right will remain right but it's difficult to convince who is wrong ...... Just celebrate the occasion with the society ......
Wed, 01.01.2014 , 11.10 hrs ..
Folks, It's the only way forward ..... because who is right will remain right but it's difficult to convince who is wrong ...... Just celebrate the occasion with the society ......
Wed, 01.01.2014 , 11.07 hrs ..
You started being aggressive, Thelonius. Look at your comment on top. And you were followed by Madiha.
Do not be parrot, repeating word without knowledge.
When does the Gregorian Calender has anything to do with religion. Its a common calender that almost all of the world abides by. The Gregorian Calender is based on the Earth going around the Sun which takes around 365 days where as the Lunar Calender that Muslims and few other religion go by is the time the moon takes to orbit the earth.
So lets celebrate start of a new year without getting too much into the debate who is right and who wrong.
Thanks Yasir , I wish you & all Qlers .... good health .... & joys .....
Wed, 01.01.2014 , 10.54 hrs ..
Totally agree with Red Bull....... :)
HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone...
be HAPPY n be MERRY always...
Life is short, so just enjoy it to the fullest...
Cheers everybody have a nice day all :)
Well said Brit & Striker.Yasir.....:) Enjoy your day .Let our 2014 become soo...........colourful as your colourul words.........
Guys I think we need to stop this infinite discussion, just be happy and enjoy your life.
Forgive everybody :-)
Guys you really spoilt it for everyone. This should not have been a religious discussion. I know tons of muslim who celebrate New Year and wish each other good things.. come on... why do you have to radicalize all discussions... it is a new year... people are hopeful... so let good things happen in their lives.. regardless what religion they belong to. We have to be more accepting and tolerant of other people's vuews. That does not mean you have to change your views... just live and let live.. who are we to judge others.
@Madiha: who you are to say me like this " don't be a part time in Islam" you need to learn more about ikhlaq..
hmmm Yasir bhaii relax relax..... I think (Madiha2009) got your point.
@madiha: I don't want to explain this but I think you are childish you need more explanation to understand anything...
@madiha: Cant say anything... But it doesn't mean I have nothing to say.....
ok its enough can you go to dance party or any club or any bar where every one is drinking will they listen to you tell me... ??? so hope you got my point.........
Yasir-- if u think any place is exceptions to tell fact -- my advice better to leave that place --- dont be a part time in Islam --- be a Full time In Islam
Nope we shouldn't be blunt. "Hikmat" is the best policy, you never found any event at which Ap S.A.W.A.W behaved with anybody in negativity. That's why I said Ikhlaq is the best policy.
@striker: Exactly......
@madiha: "in Islam place is not main u have to tell fact at all time and any place"
there are some exceptions you cant say any place...
Strike/yasir u are right -- but we should tell always fact and dont think of place or people
Yeah we must understand where we are discussing, what's the impact going on others for Muslims....
Everybody has their opinion but if you want to obey Islam and Shariat , all thing imposed on ourselves.
We don't have right to point out other and I think it also Islam Say's.
you will know soon why I said this is not the right place....
@madiha: what do you mean by "Hope u will know Meaning of Islam" Madiha kindly don't predict anyone here....
I quit you are right ok... don't want to argue with you...
Meaning of ‘Muslim’
One who submits his will to Allah (La ilaha ilallahu, Muhammad-ur-Rasoolullah) Believe in Allah and the Last Day, and the Angels and the Book and the Messengers
why dear yasir--- if u think this is not right place then tell me which is right place ??? in Islam place is not main u have to tell fact at all time and any place
@madiha: But this is not the right place to ask or to Explain....
that good if i got emotional for Islam Dear Yasir
Yasir --- Hope u will know Meaning of Islam
Submission to the Will of Allah (swt) is Islam
@madiha: how can you say that "Muslims not remembering 1st Muharram whereas all we know 1st January"
I think you got emotional control your emotions only Allah Knows what is in Our heart...
you are right Ikhlaq is main in Muslims life
@thelo: I am just wishing every one and to wish any one its not against Islam & any ways m not extremist...
@ Madiha2009
You are okay that Muslims should know their festivals but remember "Ikhlaq" is the only way to promote ISLAM.
Britexpat :: Come to common terms — Worship of one God
Shama Israelu Adonai Ila Hayno Adonai Ikhad."
This is a Hebrew quotation, which means:
"Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord."
[The Bible, Mark 12:29]
Madiha: Are not Christians "people of the book" ?
Islamic New Year- Muslims not remembering 1st Muharram whereas all we know 1st January
Thelonius you are 100% right --- hope all mulsim will know by this what to say
I think so !
Thelonius: The Gregorian Calendar is linked to Christianity , therefore to believers
Brother I don't think so it's not the proper way to tell any thing on the open forum.
Thankoo silver :)
May all your wishes come true and boundless happiness follow you all the year through................
Have a lovely New Year Yasir and everyone!
:) Thank you Gerarra...
Happy New Year yasir!!!! :)