NEED your help i am deep trouble..

i am from pakistan i am working here a company from last 6 months . some clashes here with my wife family who is alreadt here. have new born baby girl i tried much to the end to compro mise they ae rich people they never let my wife to come to she is also on there side. the problem is if she dont want to come atleast being is this not my right to even see my baby? they dont let me even see her . i dont know what step i should take but really love my daughter and wife but .......... ): please need a layer or anything by which i can see my child again. my fone number is 66923035.
@brit: Totally agree with your comment...
You need to involve a "trusted" third party and initiate a dialogue between both yourself and the in-laws (including wife). QL is not the place to discuss such issues. Good Luck1
galinda...where is he forcing her to come here...have u read his post again
I am making a lot of assumptions Red Bull, that's why I started by asking whether or not the wife is in Qatar.
If your wife is here and denying you access to your child then that is a different scenario to your wife and child being in Pakistan while you are here.
If you are here, but your child is not, and you want to see your child, then the only option for you is to quite your job and move back to Pakistan. If you force your wife to move here, do you think she will love you for it? Or will she just resent you for making her life miserable?
dont bring any one in a man...go and talk directly to ur wife first and get the reason why is this all happening...if not working...looking for a family consultation...if again not working then go to court and file for divorce (this is in the final and worse scenario)
galinda...that is pakistan and not phillipines
Galinda i think you are making a lot of assumptions.. looks like he already passed the stage where there is any sort of family negotiation going on.. the man wants to see his daughter and he is struggling... so all your bla bla how his wife is not his slave.. if a hige assumption on your part.. we dont know their case.. and he simply needs help in seeing his daughter
I'm not sure if I understand your post, but am I right to assume you are in Qatar, and your wife and daughter are in Pakistan?
If so, and your wife doesn't want to come to Qatar, then there is no way you can force her. This is the sort of issue that you should have discussed prior to marriage, and definitely before you took the job here.
Your wife isn't your slave, she is happy in Pakistan and wants to stay there. If you want to be with her and your daughter your only option is to leave Qatar and return to her in Pakistan.
Thelonius.. love is and poopoo happens... i am sure he will find a way to sort things out ... let's stay optimistic :-)
Hi Man
Nobody can deprive you from seeing your daughter... not even your wife or her parents... you have as much right to spend time with a baby as your wife does... remember you are both parents.. and regardless how things go between you and your wife... nobody can cancel your the fact that you are the father regardless if they rich or not. This is law.
Now what you need to do is bring your finances in order and stay clam. Then you need to contact a lawyer... probably the one in Pakistan (especially if you got married there)... explain the situation and ask him to take action on your behalf... try to find a lawyer based on a good reference from a friend.
Before going to lawyer you also need to send her emials (polite and calm) asking her to remember that you are a father and that you have equal right and responsibilities in raising the baby.. of course try to make up if you can.. but if not tell her in a civil manner... that you want an arrangement that works for both of you that allows you to spend plenty of time with a baby.
These things happen every single day... and people start feeling bad about it... but it is life.. so you gotto keep your cool. Whatever you do dont get involved into emotional fights or be subject of emotional blackmail... stay cool... think what would a civilized intelligent person do.. what would you advice for your friend to do.. and act accordingly.
any one who can help first of all i want to see my baby after then i will see other things