Qatar's youth create 'abstract art'

Road safety has been a major concern for Qatar in the past years and trauma from road accidents account for most of deaths and disability amongst Qatar's youth population. Qatar also has one of the highest traffic related deaths in the region.
Internationally acclaimed French environmentalist, journalist, and photographer, Yann Arthus- Bertrand, capturd Aerial photopgraphs of Qatar's roads showing tyre marks a while back.
His photograph became part of ‘The Earth from the Air’ exhibition, which was held on the Doha Corniche and many other cities across the globe.
These tyre marks are usually made by Qatar's youth by doing "burnouts" (where the wheels spin, causing a large amount of smoke, but the car does not move until the driver “pops” the car into motion) and ‘doughnuts’ (driving a car in a tight circle while continuing to accelerate), dangerous practices which are causing many accidents.
A perfect example of this can be found in Jelaiah Street, which passes in front of the College of the North Atlantic – Qatar and Qatar University’s women’s gate.
Source: The Peninsula | Gulf Times
wow nice art :P