Quick, change all your passwords

Hackers have stolen usernames and passwords for nearly two million accounts at Facebook, Google, Twitter, Yahoo and others, according to a report released this week.
The massive data breach was a result of keylogging software maliciously installed on an untold number of computers around the world, researchers at cybersecurity firm Trustwave said.
The virus was capturing log-in credentials for key websites over the past month and sending those usernames and passwords to a server controlled by the hackers.
On Nov. 24, Trustwave researchers tracked that server, located in the Netherlands. They discovered compromised credentials for more than 93,000 websites, including:
- 318,000 Facebook accounts
- 70,000 Gmail, Google+ and YouTube accounts
- 60,000 Yahoo accounts
- 22,000 Twitter accounts
- 8,000 LinkedIn accounts
Trustwave notified these companies of the breach. They posted their findings publicly on Tuesday.
"We don't have evidence they logged into these accounts, but they probably did," said John Miller, a security research manager at Trustwave.
waow,, nice informations broo
The point of this hack is most probably to expose certain people by having access to their messages, after they get the info they need, they will not care about password change.
what they will get by hacking accounts... its very easy to create a new one I will call those guys looser....