Hello everyone! It's been almost 2 weeks since my husband's company submitted application for family visa. He inquired last Thursday from their HR and they said still no news from MOI. In the application form it says minimum 14 days to get the visa. My question is, can it go more than 14 days?
Getting desperate each and everyday. Please pray for me and my son that our visa be released within this week.
God bless!
@happygolucky So even if they mentioned a time frame, they don't usually follow? Wow..Of all the Middle east countries, I think Qatar is the most difficult place to apply for visa. I've been to Saudi Arabia and Dubai, and applying for family visa doesn't take this long. Thanks for the head up.
@nafeels It may take up to 4 weeks? Wow! I have read from previous post though that some applied their visa, and got it the very next day. So I must brace myself for longer waiting time then. Thanks for your reply!
It says minimum 14 days and not maximum 14 days. And even if it said maximum 14 days, doesnt mean it would be issued exactly on the 14th day. It depends on various factors. So relax.
be patient it takes upto 4 weeks. usually u dont get reply in 2 weeks