Nurseries , daycares , schools..??
Of late I have come across lots an lots of daycare brochures being send out and funny to see that people are willing to do anything to get their business to a higher level even with children.. Gone are the days when parents could get their child enrolled with confidence that they would be learning something from the institute an coming home with new stories an ventures they had at it a child fighting for a broken pencil or his teacher putting him in a corner..It still was teaching him a lesson of how to handle a situation and respond to it.
Fees structures have increased so much and the quality of teaching is very very limited..No one puts a mandatory criteria to have qualifed teachers..whether its a daycare , kindergarten or school..I myself can analyse it from the books that I get corrected from the school..Teachers make more mistakes than the students itself. Management has got lot of securities in daycares but its so funny that parents themselves cant see whats going on in the class rooms cz 'it woudl be a disturbance'...Funny,that lot of fees is being asked for but no transparency on who is going to take care of the infant??Qualified or just any person desperate to work??Passionate to work or just coming to finish with day off..
I feel its the right of the parent to go and meet up with the concerned teacher before or at the time of enrollement, to see how the teacher manages the group in class, to see what methods are being used to teach a child language, to receive quarterly reports on child's development and behavior. After all, its the parent who is paying off their hard earned money with expectation that their child would not just be playing at school for 4 hours daily an be termed as FREE PLAY..and pay 2000 monthly..!!
Post your feedback an views too...Or am I just the only frustrated parent??
Yes, I hear you. Child care in general is a mess here. We all come to Doha seeking a better opportunity and the problem you described is due to so many reasons.
I work at a school and you get teachers who are genuinely passionate, those who work for pay day, and many run down by management. If you're a local hire in Doha, it's who you know that can land you the job and not necessarily your experience/qualifications. School fees are expensive and most of the money is pocketed by the corporate heads.
I hope your situation has become better. I see parents everyday at school doing their best to cope with the same situation, and bless them they work as well!