Which sexy part you like?

By landloverreview •
All fingers are not same.
Some names are sexy.
Some voices are sexy.
Some bodies are sexy.
Some souls are sexy.
What is your preference in long term relationship?
1. Should be beautiful In and out.
2. Prefer out dont care much about in.
3. Prefer inner personality dont care much about outlook.
4. Binded with family pressure as we are married today because of our family.
5. Other comments.
Those who are already married can share their experience too.
inner beauty is over rated... what count most are the real assets...
I think Lost-in-qatar is already taken.
Noo daamn bun!
Lost: I think I know who u lookin for!
Smart, patient ( I'm quite a handful), funny, sweet and family oriented.
Few Atheist have got multiple ids in QL still claiming something strange in their user name.
Tash :I’m just showing you the hypocritical A** Hole that you are ;-)
I don't know why some people have to shove their god in every conversation on QL!
you not man enough to find a wife yourself ?
you need your mom to look for one???
so your mom loves your wife and you dont???
tahsinmim said Long ...
Long term
Inner/outer beauty is not important
- Trust
- Mutual understanding
- Respect
We are not getting married to PARTS but to the good character of a human being..Most important the person should have fear of Allah (swt) and is religious is also important.
tahsinmim said
Very easy...I told my mother that i want a religious, good looking girl..and ofcourse who has very long hair (lol)...I trust my mother and she found exactly the same and we stay now happily ever after...:)
Tow pretty much conflicting statements both made within few minutes from each other!
Statement A: I don’t care about inner-outer beauty.
Statement B: I asked my mom to look for a GOOD LOOKING GIRL WITH LONG HAIR!!
Dude are you suffering with personality split disorder?
Ummmmmhhh... Beautiful Body... (--,)
Funny, Confident, Smart and a big heart. Found them all by myself as well, just like No Merci. :)
body's that are shaved or atleast trimmed
Got the memo....
P.S: He is pointing at "some people" here.
@Thelonius what the....? I'm not getting your point here? do you mean arranged marriage?
@Thelonius what do you mean? are you speaking to Tahsinmimi or me? I think you got confused mate.
Spot on! at least I'm honest in that matter , that's why I said "average".
I really don't know how you are supposed to love someone you are not even attracted to look at!
Everybody here talks about inner beauty and personality and all. But the truth is we all want beautiful ladies for ourselves. So it has to be a balance and a compromise between the two.
Some people are lucky to prized packages... others keep on wishing. :)
good metality/educated , curves within proportion..
I like a sexy voice. hehe. i like inner beauty. i don't like some hot bodies with their mind going wild and know nothing about reality
Was that the man I marry should be God fearing and one who practices his religion in hardship and ease to the best of his ability. I also wanted my partner to be truly matured and finacially stable and neither a spendthrift nor a miser. And yes he had to be absolutely handsome in my eyes!
I'm truly grateful to God that my husband is all this and more, may God bless him and our relationship.
Was it easy finding a partner? No it wasn't. Simply because in my family arranged marriages are frowned upon and my parents expected us to find our own partners, however we wish without them having to get involved until the wedding day. Hence when I started practicing my religion I was then dependent on people I know,friends and associates, to play matchmakers and go betweens for me which thankfully worked out eventually!
I don't have anything to say.......but I do think that people constantly change both inwardly & outwardly.....then what will keep you loving that person all your life....secondly, do we ever love anyone except ourselves...we love her because we think she is fun(entertainment)...we love her because she is kind(giving).........we love her because she is understanding, mature(putting my need ahead of hers).....every love is just extension of self love........rest is nonsense.
in 3 words:
- Honesty
- Trust
- Respect
and unlike beauty, you can't buy them
For me it is intellect, personality and a good mix of strength and kindness.
And I am lucky to have found the perfect mix...all by myself ;)
Excellent..so many different opinions....agree with blosted Brit and tah and others..
Lol Uk-E...its bit tough to decide when you have three four options...all have their own benefits.
lol no you're not joking..we would have it for all three meals if we could and for dessert too lol..anyways..will keep you posted buddy for sure:-)
lol considering we're both from the same city, i think i will in fact invite you..and you like a true hydro will only be too willing to indulge in yet more biryani after the biryani you will have earlier had for breakfast and lunch:-)
A sexy bank balance is always attractive :)
my mom is at the moment doing for me what your's did for you..hope she does well because i too trust her to sort me out with an awesome wife lol
"Like the person you love may not have things you like in him/her or the one who has those qualities may not love you."
Actually, having a intimate partner who have the same preferences as me would be boring , we would be more like "interests buddies".
Or like at school where your best friend and you are pretty much alike.
It's like approaching two identical negative or positive magnets, they will repulse each other, never fully bonding.
Good for you. You are lucky and hopefully appreciate what you have. :O)
Prefer inner personality dont care much about outlook.
Reality is always different from fiction.
We may crave a lot of things, but usually common sense, love and maturity prevails.
Additional Questions:
Was it easy for you to find your ideal mate?
Like the person you love may not have things you like in him/her or the one who has those qualities may not love you.
I'd rather have a average thoughtful , educated and most of all civilized partner, than to have a bikini model with absolutely no brains.