some questions teachers should never ask
By mimiloves2sing •
Kids do say whatever comes to their minds. LOL
do you have a funny story a kid said to you or you heard before?
oh and something else....LIQ told me Chinese ppl say what is on their minds, even if it comes across rude and insulting to us.....I thought only kids do that. lol OUCH.....
When in my hone country a dog bite a small boy in our neighbour when we went to see him and said oh it was too bad that a dog bite you for that his younger sister maybe around 3 yrs says no aunty it was not a dog who bit him it was a bitch....
and we all busted laughing how does a yr old girl differentiates between a dog and a bitch.
TFS mimi, cute kiddo, lols
can u speak Italian, yes... mamaa miaa...
wht did u hit when u falled.. i hit the ground ROFL
just laugh and see this
hihih Fathima, ROFL for want to marry all kinda guys.
TFS mimi, ive no story so far, let me thinkkk :D
LOL Fathima
TFS. i think i will go watch youtube with bill cosby, he has kids say the dardest things..
real gems every now and then! Like this once she wanted me to give her some hand-sanitizer to clean her hands, which my hubby believes is too strong. And when my husband then told me not to give it to her, she goes "You don't know where my hands have been,honey!" The product was then promptly handed over to more questions asked!
Oh and she often wants to marry all kinda guys. Mainly older "sheikh" types. So I'm like "no...he's too old for you" yet she'll still insist that no he's perfect for her, even doing the math to prove it..ha ha
Kids are hilarious no doubt, not to mention brutally honest too!
Examiner during biology Viva showed legs of bird n said:Tell the bird's name
Boy:I dont know
Exminer: U r failed.Wats ur name and roll number?
Boy: why dont u see my legs and tell me :-P
How many QLers are standing?