Qatar's indepence in region
An interesting post on Doha News..... any ideas or comments or (views)?
How is it possible for very small, very rich, yet militarily weak countries to retain their independence? If the world is as dog-eat-dog as realists depict, why are these states still in business?
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Qatar is not, nor has it ever been, independent. It is by definition a client state of a larger global empire--Ottomans, British, and now Americans. In exchange for protection from local threats (i.e. KSA, Bahrain, Iran) the global empire receives strategic resources--military bases, oil, contracts, etc. The Al Thani first came to prominence in the 19th century because the British decided to back them against other rivals on the peninsula. Can you imagine what would happen if Qatar announced it was going to ignore its contracts with Exon and insist the Americans leave their military bases? Regime change would be almost instantaneous.
I'm not criticizing Qatar or its rules. They've made a good run of it, playing the larger powers and getting a good deal for the protection and benefits they offer. But don't kid yourselves about independence.
the saudis are coming ti take the gas
" Bunnies"!
Well said. But please don't use the term "playmates" on QL :O)
They have some very interesting and useful playmates from all over the globe who ensure they stay in the business, and still appear very much independent!
oops How could I not notice that!
Men and Women :O)
Uncle Sam has over 30,000 of his fine men posted in Qatar to ensure the Independence of Qatar in the Region!
then they will move to Saudi
So what will happen when Qatar is not able to feed the World?
that is the advantage of rich countries, nobody will touch you as long as you feed them, even the dogs if you feed them every time they visit your backyard they become your friends & they will not harm you.
pls dont hijack
The answer is not rocket science. There have been similar cases all through history. Small countries make them "useful" to survive.
“Small countries.. enhance their security by making themselves more valuable to others as independent entities than they would be as colonies.”