Be careful of this cargo handling companies

SUV parked in Dubai lands up in Afghanistan
A man from Mali, who bought a Land Cruiser for Dh176,000 for taking it to his homeland, was shocked learnt that the car which was parked near the office of a shipping company had been stolen.
The Court heard the case of three Asians who allegedly transported the car on a recovery vehicle to Sharjah from where they shipped it to Afghanistan.
“I asked the company to hand over the vehicle to a cargo company to ship it to Mali. When the car was parked in front of the shipping company it was stolen,” he testified.
Police investigated the complaint and arrested SMS, 52, Pakistani, who used his recovery vehicle for transporting the car from Dubai to Sharjah, AAJ, 43, Afghan visitor and IFK, 41, truck driver, all of whom confessed to agreeing to steal the vehicle .
They confessed to breaking the glass and released the gear and then pulling the car on to the recovery vehicle. They also arranged for shipping the vehicle to Afghanistan.
The funny thing is the cargo company is still searching for the vehicle
In India you could keep the keys of your car in the ignition with a sign board that says "steal me" and it would still be safe! :p
Expect Amazing!
Why do Filipino get so boggled up if something comes against them ?
why to hide facts?
how can u say this things ur a filipino
... try to park unattended in manila.
bbboooooommmmmmmm.......... (gone)
Gone in 60 seconds!!!
It happens everywhere, vigilance and caution is advised.