Philippine Mall in Qatar

What would be the success rate for a shopping mall only for phipppinos Qatar Manila Mall
Do you think it would be success ....phipppinos would be crazy to come to the Mall ....I had seen a Mall in Abuhamour and I was thinking why not a philippino mall come there
You have a Philippine Hypermarket like kabayan or the Philippine store
You have Philippine restaurants
Etc etc.....please comment on this
Malls generate their profits by having tenants in them. Also you have to take into consideration what types of stores will be inside, highend brands or just local? If it were to be just some no name brands, then it will become like souq wakif with indoor airconditioning. I don;t think people need soo many fabric stores in one stop in my opinion.
My opinion: Not really a good idea even though there are numerous filipino people here, the market margin is too small compared to the rest of the immigrants here.
If you were to open this mall, can you have Chicken Inasaal Resetaurant served with calamansi??
Galai.. Bago ka nga dito.. Metal wow.. I use ti be when I was younger..
Galai.. Bago ka nga dito.. Metal wow.. I use ti be when I was younger..
...directions to Filipino Souq,51.53826&spn=0.002457,0.002875&sll=25.2847,51.539837&sspn=0.009827,0.011501&t=h&hq=souq+al+dira&hnear=Doha,+Ad+Dawhah,+Qatar&z=19
Sounds nice.............but there are already alot of malls here. Anyways I'm 6 months here in Qatar nad have'nt been round the city much, I often hear about the Filipino Souq, does anyone know where it is?
It doesn't really matter if it is for FILIPINOS or other nationality as long as I can find the product inside your store, that would be fine.
If the motivation is high, meaning the need or perception of need is high, the individual will actively seek to satisfy that need. This results in the consumer deciding to buy the product or service in your mall/establishment.
lo very l..
you have no idea how wide is that mall..
so it must be your eyes..
land area is in square kilometers..
I'd shop there. Ph. food is awesome.
Excellent observation notyourboyfriend...congratulations!
Was it only my eyes?....I read it 'smmall of ASIA'. d^_^b
That is even worse , We really don't want to get friendly fired by fellow Americans.
most malls are owned by private business men..
military base are goverment one..
like british secret service.. " skyfall " bloody good movie..
Well it has a lot to do!
and I guess there will be an American-only Mall, since there are many compounds being built with high rentals like 20-25k QR a month, and the price haven't changed since 5 or more years.
In couple of years when all compounds finished, all Americans working in the American base will be located in those compounds .
Nonetheless , my point is that why limit yourselves to malls only?....
how can mall issue turns into a military base??
we harbor to much american base before for so many years and i don't an issue with that..
in my opinion its more related if it was said building an all american mall in qatar..
We already have an American-only military base, why not a Filipino one?hell why not an Indian and Pakistani- only military base?
what? we can have fun playing throwing at each others uranium!
Just for a simple correction please...Filipinos not Philipinos..sounds so..u know?..thank u!
it will! but it doesn't have to be exclusive for filipinos only
it will! but it doesn't have to be exclusive for filipinos only
Why don't you ask the OP.
Come on guys... You came to Qatar to work not for malling....... Why so concerned about the malls. Save your money for your childrens future. Whats the use of having the Philippine Mall in Qatar? For What?
nah..sounds racist to me...
i don't care who gets in, but since it will be a philippine mall we should definitely implement these very effective security measures before anyone can get inside to have that authentic filipino mall feel
drug, deadly weapon and bomb detector inspection sticks/wands for the security guards!
Yes, that would be nice. As long a the prices are the same as in the Fils.
For sure there will be checkpoints at all gate before u can get inside the mall hehehe.
No family day or else we boycott.
TIQ not Manila
Just wondering would they then have a family day on Thursday and friday where the wolves will be kept waiting at the door
Yes, good idea..go ahead and we will support.
I didn't mean the mall would be only for Philippines nationalities ...this mall would be every one , I was thinking having mall with more pinoy brands would make a Mall Success as there is lots of mall already and less population
Its like dragging for the Pinoy here or what?Why specifically this nationality?we filipinos can buy things where ever we want and can afford.Philippine products can be bought in most of the supermarkets here in Qatar.Next time please correct the spelling of my nationality.
junedc - Lucky Plaza in singapore is not just for a particular community but the others dont go there because it is crowded and overflowing with people from this one community and during a sunday its just difficult to get in there
mall for filipinos
mall for indians
mall for french
mall for british
talk about segregation
I think i will be great. In Singapore they have lucky plaza where in most stalls are selling electronic load for phones, foods and dress. great idea.
I suppose the idea comes about from the partition rooms advertised mentioning "only for philiphinos". I hope this guy understands that all this narrow minded mentality goes against the guys who are actually encouraging the mixing and development of free enterprise and relationships.
But I bet they sell Indian and Pakistani products as well. :)
Pakistan and India "is" an Asian country too, you know :D
You're a tad late Jafarnk, there's already a Mall of Asia in Qatar located at the Industrial area.
it's a mall... not someone's backyard. how are you going to deny access to other nationality?
Besides... there are already lots of malls... why another one, and why only for philippinos?
ROFL LMAO brite !
Great idea. We would all have to wear Raybans to get in ... :O)
restaurant owners would make a huge profit ..
There is already lots of Mall for every one ..I was thinking to make something special
success.... if they make it mini (mall of asia)