IT support for home computer

By nicky roffey •
Hi, I am needing someone to come to my villa to help set up my computer and new printer as cannot seem to do it. Will pay for the help of course. Any advise on who to call to help with the issue? Thanks
Damn I already paid too much attention
depend where you live. I can help only if live in Al Wakrah.
Congrats for your new Life Station !
Joys !
thanks for this, called someone on the classifieds and hope they can help Thanks
dont pay attention to this troll...just joined to post this thread after the "beware of strangers" thread. Person with no life doing this just for kicks.
why do you need it support for just plugging the cables .... your neighbour can do that...
There are many people offering this service in QL classified service section ...
you may find them in below link