Niss Alti 2008 / 9 Painted all around

Hello Potential Buyers,
Caution !
Someone is out to sell his white car which is painted all around .. still have front scratchs about 2 meters length. Painted on rear right door, rear left fender, left side area at back & above number plate.
This guy will tell you a false story about the owner also.
He is big time liar , he conceals many details regarding present / previous owner / paint work / year of model / won't reduce the price because it is his friend's car but actually he is hiding many things.
He caused a loss of 3 hrs of time from the life of two persons on 05 Oct. and 4 hrs on 07 Oct. plus computer checking charges of 250 Qr.
Still says [ hiding truth ] paint is not a big issue ?
His friend said all cars are painted in Qatar ?
Take care care , guard your 47,000 Qrs !
care to post that ad MM?
Would you trust this cunning guy ?
He will get it hand written on the inspection sheet Engine 98 % when actually it is 94 %.