Affidavit of Support in NAIA kabayan

By robherr soft •
My son & sister in law is coming to Qatar this saturday with family visit visa. Somebody told me that NAIA imigration will not allow them to board the plane without affidavit of support stamped by Phil. Embassy here.. Is this true? Is a letter from my wife (sponsor)and her Qatar ID enough? i mean are they going to consider it? Anybody who had an experience about this kabayans...? Thnx much
We are helpless against corruption because everyone is on the take especially the government.
Go ahead just continue showing that ur brain is dead QDCf*cker. I have no intention of explaining to ur deadbrain my point. I just want my son to be with me here. I dont care about what u say. We Filipinos know what we have in our country and we do not mind others country. Plain & simple.
If you are willing to accept it and consider foreigners critising it bashing your country, then you are as much to blame as the men and women that take your money
corruption. Can you show a proof that anyone is defending corruption?
Robbo mate, you're a bit strange. You want to defend corruption in your country. Is that is what is called blind obedience? No wonder the politicans rip people off like you as it seems you just bend over and take it.
I was just curious why your immigration stops you leaving your own country and then someone said you have to pay bribes to get out! I've never heard of that before except in the days of the USSR.
So? Why do u have to repeatedly say that.. Ur point is? Nobody is arguing with shut the F up.
It would take a miracle to completely eradicate corruption in the Philippines.
Just bcoz u r not paying any money in ur country does not give the right to bash our country. Mind ur own business faggot.
Hey I leave Aussie all the time and no one has asked me for any money, so careful on accusing other countires of corruption. Look closer to home mate.
Robbo, I don't know of many places where you have to pay to leave your own country. Can you name the others?
QDC & Nomad r u both born just today? Dont show ur ignorance here..corruption is everywhere u MF..U r not making sense.
Alexam my son is just 3 yrs he also required to pay the 2k pesos tourist tax?
Luke dont worry i will inform u next week..and about the visa sticker yes no mre is now personal appearance..
You are correct QDCLover there are corrupt immigration officers at NAIA.
Just to make sure get an affidavit of support for your family. When my first trip in Qatar with a family visit visa from my husband the immigration asked me an affidavit visa that was last March 13, 2012. But after my i got a residence here in Qatar and went vacation last August 2012 to get our kids. We prepared affidavit of support again for our kids but the immigration does not require, he just asked me are you a resident..then no more documents only passports of my kids
Good luck and balitaan mo kami kabayan kung ano nangyari kasi plan ko din kunin sister and mommy ko for vacay dito. I heard na di na daw thru wwwexpress yun visa sticker instead po eh personal appearance na sa mckinley hehe :D
Sorry it seems very confusing to me, I understand Qatar demands a visa to enter as you are not a citizen so why does your own country demand so many documents apart from a valid passport? Is it because it is corrupt?
It doesn't matter if you're holding a family visit visa. Affidavit of support is one of the requirements like a two way ticket, tourist tax receipt, airport fee and a valid passport. Better be prepared than sorry for the delay..
QDClover dont comment if u dont know what is being talked about.
For all my kabayans.. Thank u so much for all ur inputs.. They are off loading even if u r holding family visa?
I agree with what Luke_137 said. Just to be safe from the vultures at NAIA. They can offload passengers with incomplete documents if they want to in exchange for grease. Haven't you read the latest news about them at NAIA?
Hi they asked for affidavit of support and photocopy of passport of my relative here in doha nun umalis ako sa pinas.Pasiguro ka lang kabayan kasi dami pa din buwaya sa naia eh :P
on my experience my brother came under visit visa. they didnt ask for affidavit of support, instead they asked for invitation letter. neither of this two my brother has, but still they let him passed with no hassle. depende siguro yan sa immigration officer na mapupuntahan mo.
Why do you need an affidavid to leave your own country?
Affidavit of support is required. But sometimes NAIA immigration officer are not asking it. Just to be sure, send the original copy with stamp of Phil. Embassy-Qatar.
If you have flat/house contract give them a copy as another proof.
Hopefully, hindi sila ma-offload sa plane by the crocodiles at the NAIA immigration, which is common modus-operandi ng mga tao sa NAIA para sa mga first time traveller going Middle East.
Yes, you have to take a letter from Phil.embassy qatar since your son is traveling with somebody else. Better include your RP and other supporting documents for your son and sister-inlaw free from hassle during their travel.
You need an affidavit of support. It's one of the requirements. That is to prove that somebody will support their stay here in Qatar.