What is the remedy for recurring chest infection in kids

what is the best solution for brochiactis
My 8 year daugter is active and intelligent. but she get sick (cough and running nose) very easily in Qatar.
I tried all natural remedies like onion/lemon/pepper/honey etc.
Also taken inhaler and antibiotics. She was admitted 3 times in PEC due to pneumonia in the same area of lung.
one of my friend advised that Yoga is good for such diseases. Anyone has idea where i can send her for Yoga as doing at our home is not practicable as she will not continue.
Any other solution/remedy than medication? like any breathing activities
Don't allow her to touch fridge for 3 months ..
Try homeopathic medicine. If possible get directly from Germany.
Come to think about it, it's been long time my boy don't have this attacked (touch wood). He used to get cough and congested chest. I started giving him a teaspoon of honey everyday for about a year now and he is healthy and happy :)
Try ...
Consult with the good doctor thats the first remedy.
one of the preferred remedy we used in our family is Ginger juice mixed with Honey daily one tea spoon empty stomach early morning.
Hope it will be helpful.
Also try to consult any good Lungs specialist periodically and get it cure with Medication... With Home remedies and yoga we may not know how severe the infection was..Good Luck and my prayers for your daughter...
The best thing is first you learn the yoga and teach your daughter. Then try to do every day along with your daughter because child can learn easily from parents and also like to do anything along with parents. Please try to avoid send her to yoga class. You will end up with spending money, also you will face problem of dropping her and bringing her back to home.
There are many video available for yoga in you-tube. Practice it..Teach your daughter. Dont complain your daughter that she will not continue if she do it in home. If you can able to continue daily then she will also continue.Remember Yoga is good for all...
I find the following yoga Video..
Practice it.Be a responsible Father. Teach her and continue everyday along with her.
Apart from this consult any Lungs specialist to get it cure with medication. Good Luck.
Good doctor, right medication!