Marriage license "Attested" requirements

My agency informs me that I must get my marriage license "Attested" by the foregin affairs and also the Qatar Embassy in the USA before they can process it for my RP.
I have no clue as to where, or what, agency does this in the USA. This does not happen there. You get a certified stamp embossed and that is it. The Qatar embassy in Houston wants a stamp on it that does not exist. Can anyone help with info on how to proceed.
Passports indicating your marital status are discriminatory! Mine doesn't have that provision. It's hard enough to be marked as a male.
Then google who is responsible for "Apostilles/ Authentication" of Documents in the State you were married in and follow the instructions on their website.
If you are married in the US go to city hall or church that you got married and have them stamp it. Then send it to the Qatar embassy. If you are married outside the US the US embassy in that country should be able to attest your marriage certificate and then send it to the Qatar embassy in that country.
where did you got married? in Qatar or US?
Does your passport states your married name / status or not?
I would like to know as I need to change my lastname and status on my passport.