You're fired.

I was wondering how many of the QL users are familiar with Donald Trump (whose name has become synonymous with the expression "you're fired" which he incessantly uses on his famous show "The Apprentice") and what their views are regarding the history of the man in question and his attempts at taking over (and succeeding in) the real estate business. How well would Qatar benefit from such a personality?
there's always a better way of looking at things - instead of doubting, just have faith especially if it's doing good to others .... this can be a classic example of what you wrote on your signature " For those who believe, no explanation is necessary;for those who do not believe, no explanation is possible"
like the saying goes "one good act is better than ten good words never put into act"....
bottomline is - yeah ydlov12 - at least he's doing it. It does work two ways, for him and others, that's what it makes it better coz everyone is a winner. No explanation needed - he helps, that's all that matters.
Altruism is non-existent. Any businessman would do it partly for the image. But at least he's doing it.
All proceeds go to charity ? Real altruism or just marketing his image / perception management? :p
I am an avid viewer of both The Apprenctice and The Celebrity Apprentice - yeah, he is a very successful businessman, Ivanka and Donald Jr. are following his footsteps and are just as charismatic. At one point he's mentioned his plans to run for the presidency here in the US - which I think is not a bad idea, after all, I thought the US needed more people like him to run this country to create more jobs which is not really happening in the Obama administration.
Both Alan Sugar and Donald Trump are equally successful in their own rights. We have to admit though that it is Donald who has made the "You're Fired" phrase more heard of globally - not sure, who really said it first between these two!
As to Qatar learning from him - well, to begin with, I cannot imagine a TV show over there being as open as Donald Trump's shows are - for sure there are culutural issues and limitations - Donald Trump is in a more open society, that makes a lot of difference because that allowed him to be more creative in his businesses - he had a wider field to explore, therefore he is where he is now.
Anyways, the greatest part about his show (Celebrity Apprentice) is that all proceeds go to the charities. I think that's an important thing to learn from him - he uses his popularity for a good cause not just for himself.
lol i don't know what the argument is about but it's funny cause obviously the one who posted it wasn't being aggressive or anything.. nyways i think trump guy has inspired people and that's good enough. as for his family they're just lucky to be famous!
The US version came first .. Jim, you 're fired :0(
Oops what happened there...sorry!
Which came first .. The uk version of The Apprentice with Alan Sugar or the US version? I thought Lord Alan owned the "Your Fired" slogan.
Which came first .. The uk version of The Apprentice with Alan Sugar or the US version? I thought Lord Alan owned the "Your Fired" slogan.
Which came first .. The uk version of The Apprentice with Alan Sugar or the US version? I thought Lord Alan owned the "Your Fired" slogan.
is his ego. Yes, he is rich, but not on anyone's top 10 list or anything. He does reality television now, that should tell you something right there.
Looks like bluepantherback is upset because they did not invest in his/company project.
All of them were here in Qatar April 2008. My bad. Donald, Donald Junior, Ivanka and Eric
Yelov you seems starry eyed!!!! So will not argue with you. Most probably you follow every move of his, have his posters around your place and will name your first born Donald. Good on you mate. You are not FIRED!!
I think he is a fruitcake and it doubtful he's worth a billion dollars itself, which in today's times is quite a norm. I do luv his PR guys though - i'd like to hire them in Qatar. Donald and his hairpiece can stay back.
Btw my colleague had given Donald's son and daughter a tour of a upcoming project in Qatar when they were here.
First of all no one competes with Justin Bieber. Second, if bankruptcy has made him this much of a success, I wonder what he would have become had he not encountered such misfortune. As for Obama, "whatever" says it all.
Nothing new companies over here do it all the time.
...he is a fruitcake. As it is the real estate sector in the ME is in doldrums. Yes he markets himself very well but at the end a number of his initiatives have resulted in bankruptcy.
This region needs innovators not more fruitcakes. Its great that Obama gave it to him..and seriously whats with the hair!!!! Competition for Justin Bieber it seems...
Whether he's richer than he actually is or not, the point is he's huge and he has established an identity for himself and I think he'd be good in Qatar because whatever success Qatar has been witnessing is only the beginning and he can set a further impetus.
Trump is a great salesman and self promoter. He tries to come across as much richer than he actually is.
Like his daughter. Can't see him succeeding in Qatar.. Dubai perhaps
He'd be one lucky employee.
My son would work in one of his businesses in Qatar if he brings something here !
Oh no not the "Vigin records" owner. By the way Trump has famous building named after him called "The Trump Tower" which is usually referred to even in movies. The guy is huge.
Sorry, I corrected my comment above.
Then other thing is known about him are his girlfriends who are often in news ....
sorry , I mistook him for Richard Bronson of Virgin Group..
I didn't know that MM. Wish it worked though. He would've done so much.
Yes, benson. He wrestles through his brain.
True MM and the fact that he didn't announce his bankruptcy when everyone else did and instead decided to revive his business and re-establish himself and build the reputation he has right now is just more than remarkable. A man like him could well benefit us.
He one of rare businessman who is still happy [ even after being so rich ] & mingle with street / common people.
I respect him as a jolly down to earth person.
He would definitely make huge money from Qatar as all of us.