Respect For The Muslim Society
I have great respect for the Muslim society being in Qatar for that matter. Respect draws a line to not consenting to what is not allowed in this religion. It is rather difficult to mingle with locals and expatriates in public places or websites and not be noticed by somebody attracted to you. Normal for human beings I should say. But, it all depends on the motive of the person. Inasmuch as dating is not normal in this society, some couples meet in private places which open doors to doing things that are haram. Yet, it all depends on the strength of character if he can resist temptation. Bottom line is, we must stand for what we strongly believe in and not allow the people around us, regardless of culture, to influence or change us. After all, we cannot blame somebody else for any decision we take. So, better say "no" if we mean "no."
still waiting for twitter id
why people want to mingle freely with strangers of the opposite sex,if you find somebody likeable propose to him or her and get marreid and 'mingle' as much as you want,Islam happens to be the religion of most of the people here,and it doesnot allow dating ,courting or cohabitation or anything of that sort(out of wedlock ofcourse),and frankly there is no compulsion in religion and be assured nobody will try to change what ever belief you may have,but do not expect the society as a whole to be compatible to your account of being normal
Idiots Residing In Paradise ,
Something New I Learn On QL
Respect is earned never given.
Calling Other Idiots
Talk About Respect LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Perfect Example Of An Idiot
One has to behave in a respectable manner and give respect, not command it,in order to be respected. And this is true of all societies and individuals regardless of their faith and beliefs.
The Most Disrespectful Person On Ql
Advise To The OP Respect For ALL ???
I agree with Angelina--what is the point of the OP?
I would also add, what exactly is a "muslim society"? I have been in a number of countries in which the majority of people describe themselves and Muslims, but these nations and peoples have little in common as societies.
Don't see where that is going.......doesn't make sense!!!!
Aimee77 i agree.But the point is with people from different cultural backgrounds living here in Qatar,it's hard to for a person to not mingle and interact,this would each other the opporunity to have met a person from lets say, the Bahamas,Fiji or even Guam!