Bank Cards for Eidiya???
The evolution of Eidiya - elders used to gift small amounts of cash to children. Now young people are asking for bank cards. Thoughts?
Traditionally, elders gift children small amounts of money as Eidiya, but young people are starting to ask for more, the newspaper reports.
The Peninsula translates:
Sama Nasser, said both her and her brother preferred prepaid bank cards since it gave them freedom to choose what they wanted to purchase themselves for Eid, adding those who received gifts in the form of bank cards would go to souqs and shopping malls to buy new clothes and other things they needed for the holidays, while others enjoyed in amusement parks, cinemas and restaurants.
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@inge - since some are always complaining that some post or thread is not related to qatar..Doha News (MODS - i'm not promoting them ok?!) articles are always relevant to all the expats in general..
By the speed you are posting Dohanews posts here, we are gonna change the QL name to DohaNews-Living :)