Difference bet.cancelled & work visa expired?

By robherr soft •
My Pataka/work permit is expired last June 7 and with the grace period of 3 months it will be expired again on September 7. My company seems so slow in renewing it. If they will not be able to renew it b4 Sept. 7 is it considered cancelled? or just an expired work visa only? If i go out of Qatar can i come back after sept. 7 with that expired visa? Is an NOC still needed if i will apply for new job here the mere fact that i was not cancelled? So confusing...need ur thoughts here...
Shak after 2 years? It's a family visit visa im talking about not work visa. With work visa yes it's 2 years but for family visit im not so sure if it's 2 years.
Do you think you can go out of the country without the intervention of your company? Also how can you process a visit visa if physically your still here in Qatar. Your passport still connected with your sponsor & RP so if you want a visit visa, first get out, have a exit on your passport.They will not let you out with expired visa for vacation, else they had to terminate/cancel your visa, then you can be escorted out in the departure terminal.
Yes after 2 years
Yes i mean if i will not be renewed after sept. 7 and i went out of Qatar my wife can sponsor me right?
Even if your wife is working with 10000, you were not under her sponsor. She is probably in her company sponsor and you in your company sponsor. if you leave and visa is cancelled for you only ban for 2 years and not your wife.
Ok thnx..so if it's automatic cancelled meaning after sept. 7 i can start processing my family visit visa in the immigration? Bcoz my wife is here working as a teacher with 10,000 QR salary..
You can not work in visit visa
If you have a family here, yes.
I suggest don't leave/exit the country until its renewed, otherwise your visa will be automatically cancelled.
No. in that case it will be cancelled auto because it is not renewed. and ban for 2 years. so renew it and go. Note. it is already delayed a lot.
Thnx shaktimaan..So if i leave Qatar and be back again after sept. 7 there will be no problem?
Your bataka is already expired on 7th June. Yes 3 month grace period after which not renewed there will be fine. it will not be cancelled until and unless you permanently leave qatar, instead you will end up or your company will end up paying fine for the expiry. So let them renew it as soon as possible. however if can only be cancelled until and unless your company cancels it and your ban for 2 years. Yes noc is required if your company is willing to give. In your situation since they are delaying for RP, i doubt they would even give an NOC.