because I’m a woman - u won’t give me a job?

"Is it because I’m brown, or a mother, or a woman - that you won’t give me a job?" newbie Nidhi Zakaria Eipe ruminates on some of the problems expat women especially face in Qatar’s job market because of the gender gap in employment here
He: You have been shortlisted along with two others from among the 40 applicants I interviewed.
Me: Awesome, thank you!
He: I have passed your name along to the selection committee. You actually ranked first in the test that I gave you, and I thought you were the best candidate. I gave you the best recommendation among all three. But the other two shortlisted people are guys. You are the only lady, so the selection committee may not pick you.
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in this case its the mistake of the interviewer as he / she is nt sure about the candidates personal status.
but see if u were married u wld be the first choice as less expense.
@damsel, it happens to me before..i had my final interview with the big boss and to the point that he have discussed everything from salary to benefits to accommodation etc etc..only to find out in the end that they we're not able to secure a visa for employees not under husband sponsorship..too bad coz that day i still have other interviews which i did not able to attend coz of this #@%$*&^ company..grrrrr!!!
A company has the right to deny or hire you - stop making it an issue about what kind of genitalia you have, the color of your skin or whatever else.
Personally - I'd never hire a woman. They can get pregnant and go on maternity leave, which is a huge mess of paperwork. Plus, they take jobs that Men married with children need to support their families.
Whatever, I'm just "closed-minded" to you folk anyway.
True Damsel.
Either they are too stupid to know the rules about hiring female workers, or they are too sexist to hire an unmarried worker.
Either way they sound like morons.
I agree fubar! It clearly shows on my resume, which I think they should have at least reviewed first. It was asked during my phone and initial face to face interview with HR, how come they didnt say it in the first placbefore sending me to their GM, it should have saved both our time.
Oh well, as I've said, I am better off somewhere else :).
Companies that only hire married people do so because they don't have visas for single women.
There are a lot of government imposed obstacles to hiring women in Qatar, especially CID clearance and obtaining visas.
But the employers should just ask whether you are under husband sponsorship before any interview takes place.
I think QL is not a matrimonial site.........lols
r u tryin to share the experience or want to hilite us ur marital status....lols
Damsel, you can say it now what you couldn't during your interview for the sake of professionalism .
Happened to me personally... such a waste of time!
I passed the phone interview and initial interview conducted by HR and well recommended by them so they arrange me a final interview with their GM, it took us about an hour of Q & A, he said that I am qualified for the job,that I am confident and well experienced, however they only hire MARRIED women in their company! Ha! Ha! I wanted to sarcastically say something but I just let it slide as an act of professionalism.
I just moved on and told myself that I am better off somewhere else, which, thankfully I am now :)
Discrimination is everywhere, I am aware of that, so instead of whining about it, I embraced it, I took it as a challenge. And it gave me a positive outcome ;)
Britex, right, it's later :)
Is it discrimination or just the blog of someone whining ?
@ydlov12 because no one will never ever get used to discrimination..
Why, aren't we getting used to discrimination!
Hogwash. Why do people expect to find jobs here by just turning up ?
Women can get a job here in Qatar much easier than men. For example, many married women and daughters of residents have the option to stay on their husband's or fathers' sponsorship and enjoy selecting and swapping jobs anytime.
Another example is that many job posts here in Qatar prefer females such as secretarial, receptionist, customer service, cashiers, and many more.
It might be true that women might find it difficult to get a job in Qatar only if they apply for, lets say, a shawerma chef, or a construction labor:)
As per the feedbacks from most other people, there is a certain preference for women in jobs - their pay grades aer quite good... Certain nationalities are excused - however!
I for one have suffered on the gender and nationality it because am black/African that i wont get a job...i mean i have all what it takes and the qualifications but up to now dont have a job..!
I agree. Men can't have periods. Period.
What a man can do, a woman can do better..period..
Why did they even shortlist, interview, and assess a female candidate if there was absolutely no chance of her getting the job?
If they only want a man, then don't interview women and get their hopes up for nothing.
Moza, you are in Qatar. You could or should specify the qualifications and the preferences you require, no matter how discriminating and unfair they may sound. It would save time, effort and other resources for the applicant and the employer.
Tinki, Well You know it's ramandan, and i am fasting! So!!!! :P :D
Well Ramadan kareem :)
moza Iam a mouse to my lady boss and say yes madam after 45 seconds not like u as a lady lion saying NO to yr male boss every 20 seconds and if u pity me pls join me in yr office
double post :(
I can give solution. There are daily guys coming to my office selling books. That could be helpful. What you say on that. go for it.
too much for the "rights" of prospective employee!!!
what about the right of the employer, to chose what's 'right" for them ?
..too much of nagging I guess!!
try to be happy with what u get
PP is there any vacancy at pizza hut or Mc donalds if you have any wastha do inform me bcos gym doesnt give much salary now getting bored seeing all the equipments want to see the outer doha while carrying pizza or burger
why pizzas and burgers dnt work with CID's...lols
for opening a grocery u dnt need talent u require to have a location :)
shoooooooooo...CID will deport
Again Dawood, more presumptions. For your info I do not have a job.
I guess dealing with someone that has different views to you must be very hard. I pity your poor work collegues but I have a feeling at work you are as quiet as a mouse, just saying yes sir to your boss every 32 seconds.
again u started to divert the topic and
shaktimaan dnt post wrong things that carrying dates and khuroof can work those were the old days now u have to carry pizzas and burgers ....lols
lols...............shakti thats why she is angry with saudi mutawwas TFS
Women not getting jobs at some places for well, being women and women getting their salaries tripled in some places for well, having breasts!
PP what kind of talent required to start up my own grocery shop like one mallu frnd have
MIMH works for saudi undergarment shops. So do not worry.
BG dont want to work in any company where MIMH works better to work in lulu or carrefour bcos always insulting indians and specific one religion
I will give you a solution. Next time take DATES & GAVA with you. Invite him for KHARUFF.
Yes its true... I have also experienced the same... Too tough for women to work in Qatar. :(
i just blaber here that doesnt mean that u have take my words ....lols
if ur jobless it means u lack in talent
PP Pls clarify which website to apply as iam currently jobless any part time job also ok
nw dnt go into flashback as both BG and moza are waiting to kick back ....lols
i agree that all the good jobs are taken over by wasta but if u need good job never rely on news papers its better to apply thru the website
Wasn't the topic about female discrimination and jobs? and not about hijab/Islam!
not all the sites. it depends on the person who is poting the requirement
No more clarifications need for you BG. Your mind is already fixed.....
Cham you should not specify that you need a male candidate! Unless the role is for a male model, where the gender is an essential part of the job role.
the show begins now from ladies working to hijab, helmet, skirts etc etc dont u guys and gals get bore talkng on the same topic always :(
The employer should have specified that they needed a male candidate!
And this guy informing the female applicant after acing all the tests that the probability of her being selected is almost nil due to her gender.......That's so insensitive and unprofessional.
But well, I sometimes forget where we are....
thanks tink but i was expecting more clarifications from mr moza
rare case but most of the time, it depends on the Job Title
How did this get on to hijab & niqab?
Anyway, my two cents, coming from a country where it's not unusual to see people walking around wearing balaclava's or ski mask's 6 months of the year, the rule of thumb is you remove them when entering banks, or anyplace with security.
It's common sense.
now pls clarify helmet comes under which religion
Discrimination/Bias exist everywhere to a certain extent but I find it surprising that HE(The guy in the blog) can be so open about it
It's a big problem here. For the most part if a non-Qatari woman wants to find work, she needs to stick to Western run companies, or in positions commonly held by women.
I did not compare hijab with a helmet I said only to remove the niqab. You only read what you want to read to justify your prejudice opinions.
Anyway a short skirt is not a security risk in an Islamic Bank, just culturally offensive so not a valid arguement.
helmet comes under which religion
I have seen ladies in short skirt entering ISLAMIC BANK over here in QATAR. But respectfully they were never stopped by any one. As you said its a freedom of choice. If as you say it is sensitive areas then they should remove their skirt out and go inside. No, iam sure not. Then why do remove the hijab. Do not compare hijab with a helmet.
Support the cause and people will call you feminist, don't do - you are doing gender discrimination,
btw i don't believe on this story, every story from doha news doesn't that it's authentic, female getting jobs! Can we just count Philippines?
Females are holding Secretary, P.A, Accountant and mostly now HR posts! Still complain?
bike helmet and hijab is same nice info
Shak what I have always said about France and Belgium, their ban on the hijab and niqab is wrong. It's a freedom of choice issue. However, if they want to enter senstive areas such as banks or govt offices then they need to remove the niqab. The same as anyone wearing a bike helmet would have to do.
'' the selection committee may not pick you.''
Because they have 'bad' experience keeping an employee from that gender.
depends the way u thnk for eg.. if ur a racist u will thnk all other in ur surroundings are racist
All part and parcel of working in the Middleast.
first cry for work , then cry for NOC , then cry slaves slaves
I heard couple of months back a hijabi woman was not allowed to interview in a Western management run company over here and was turned out. What do you say about that. Just heard of it. Do not ask for source. I think this was even put in QL. What do you say about that.
What do you say about FRANCE AND BELGIUM. :-P
What does Iman mean. Lol.
Yes Shak good point. Job success here depends on, religion, gender, nationality and race. None of these things have any bearing on your ability to work, well unless you are applying to be an Iman or work in a female under garments store.
SS yr true
Maybe she was not in hijab. Lol.
@zilo, true..
i think here alo it depends on the nationality.
i doubt :(
Not surprising. Even Qatar Immigration is reluctant to issue work visas for single ladies.