how do i set up security password for my Access point internet ?
By nizamuddin100 •
i got a suggestion for a QLer "translator" to visit then set up the securty for my network.
but error message says..cannot find
i have installed a linksys accesspoint and directly connected it now..its security type is"" No Authentication(OPEN) i want to set up username and password for this net work...presently it shows a park bench sign..(open security)
pls assit..
close wireless,
Connect a cable with router and lp;
try in browser
i guess, its ... admin / admin
You can find the options in the menu itself;
i think for linksys routers you should enter this ip in your browser than your username and pass of your router and you can find it in the guide in the box of the router after that you can put your network pass form the control panel . i hope that my Answer help you bye
Before connecting the accesspoint to the router, connect it first to your PC and use the CD program to configure it.
it should say in the manual of the accesspoint on how to configure it : )
Thanks for the answers..some more details.!!
i live in ground floor. my landlord has Qtel router in first floor. i have cable between Qtel router up and a Dlink switch in my portion. To strengthen the signal, i installed Linksys acccess point which is connected to the Dlink ethernet switch by a cable. My laptop is operating on wi-fi. Available network shows now "Linksys" (without security) in addition to the existing router network name...Now.. tell me..what is the steps to be done..??
i want to set up new username and password..for new network name ""Linksys"" there is a separate user name and password is in use for the Qtel router..which i can access also..but the signal is very poor...!!
First make sure that your laptop/desktop is connected to that network and type this IP address on your browser. If it is not connected you are not gonna get the interface. To ensure it is the correct IP address of the access point, just check on the catalog/or on the back side of the device/or just google with the device name and unique PIN, You can find the IP address. For devices from different vendors this device IP will change.
You will have access to the modem router if your computer is directly connected to the modem using a internet cable wire.
if you are connected to your router using a wifi, you cannot configure the router