Destiny or Choice?

Do you believe in destiny? Do you think you are what you are because of the choices you made?
I believe in destiny! I am destined to be in certain places that give me the opportunity to make choices. Maybe the truth lies somewhere in between....
Destiny is something to which a person or thing is destined i.e. the course of events in our life is predetermined to reach an inevitable destination. Destiny implies that there is some Power which determines the course of events beforehand. In this view there is no chance or choice left. For some destiny is ultimately what you arrive at in your life. And for those who believe in destiny. Is fate and destiny one and the same?
Choices are made after contemplating many options. We have full control of our choices; yes we do make good and bad choices in life. But I think it’s our destiny that controls our choices.
You may be driving safe and carefully, what if a truck loose control and hit your car?
destiny played its role in any case.
tinkerbell10 said,"Having money is not the only route to education. Granted it may LIMIT him a bit but not impossible."
Absolutely right. My parents didn't have much $$ but I still got educated, without scholarships cos those were limited according to demography, although things are much better now for the youngsters.
FS said, "You may be driving safe and carefully, what if a truck loose control and hit your car?"
Aah! This was more or less what happened to me in April 2007 ... my tin can of a car was a total wreck except for a little air pocket on the driver's side. Pretty amazing that I didn't end up with any broken bones. Severe concussion, whiplash and lost my memory n all but I'm still alive ... :0)
... Plus I don't remember all past breakups, now that's a weally, weally good thing. So mini destiny = Giving me a clean slate without emotional baggages. Cool :8
Aiyo, FS! You just got my mind in a twist ... :p
Fate/Faith : Whatever happens, it's God's will anyway. One's choice just attracts positive or negative consequences at the end of the day. One's choice is either a good idea (impatiently following one's own will without seeking God's will in earnest) or God's idea.
Destiny - Already pre-determined. Whether one skates in gracefully or rockily, depends on one's choices in life.
I agree with KR........
Many a times children have to face the brunt of their unholistic parents.
We all are naturally inherited with certain habits, inbuilt values and cultures (impact of DNA / genes) from our parents, which describes our personality. One could shape his future with right choices and grab the right opportunities. Never forget that destiny always plays a big role.
Destiny is nothing but the reflection and results of OUR own Intentions and Thoughts.
There is no movement of destiny without ANY real efforts and positive actions.
The only way we can answer this question is through living life twice. That way we can know for sure if choosing one thing or the other will result in a different outcome or would lead us to the previous result.
LP, True, but again the development of mental faculties do depend on the DNA combinations the baby has inherited. Also, being born out of good looking parents is a great advantage everywhere in life.
If one has to compare life with a card game, let's say the winner in life is who gets an average hand but is brave enough to call 7 spades and finally wins all 13 tricks.
Babies are not intelligent, they only follow their instincts.
Mrs. Rose, Your birth is not your choice. I mean you cannot decide where would you be born or who would be your parents or whether you would be a male or female or normal or physically handicapped or mentally retarded or intelligent.
I feel we have two components that drive our lives. First what we are born with and second how we make use of our faculties to our advantage which is again linked to what we are born with. For example, our thoughts and decision making capabilities are linked to our DNA / basic intelligence that we have inherited from parents.
Life is all about making choices, and those choices determine our destiny. Each moment of the day, we are forced to act, and each action is a decision with its own set of outcomes. We cannot avoid action in life, as even inaction is a choice!!
Mrs. Rose......
what if it was "predestined" for you to play that very card and not the other and your very "human" mind takes pride in thinking it's all you?
i try....i may get..i am satisfied with that...:))
First you make choices using your freewill and then the destiny plays its role and to take you where it wanted you to be there....
Thats the way LIFE goes on and on.
Sometimes it may stuck for short or long times at certain places, depends on your trial period.
Over focussing on destiny will not benefit.
Be responsible for your actions, maintain honesty, integrity and loyalty, make fair choices and committed to LIFE and it keeps Door opening and closing for you what are Good for YOU.
Destiny is nothing but the reflection and results of OUR own Intentions and Thoughts.
There is no movement of destiny without ANY real efforts and positive actions.
In fact destiny activates ONLY when you strive and it decides what is BEST for you.
I agree with FS.....
First you make own choices using your freewills and then the destiny plays its role and take you where it wanted you to be there....thats the way LIFE goes on and on :)
Sometimes it may stuck for short or long times at certain places, depends on your trial period.
Extra focus on destiny will not benefit to us,
Be responsible, make fair choices and committed to LIFE and it keeps door opening for you what are good for us.
There is no movement of destiny without ANY real efforts. In fact destiny activates ONLY when you strive to decide what BEST for you.
Good Luck and TFS
Zanzibar, That's a good analogy. The dealt set of cards we get in our hands at the beginning of the game is our destiny and how we play our cards are like our choices or options in life. Chances of wins or losses depend both on the cards and how we played them in the course of the game.
So life is like a game of Bridge..
You are right Victor...not because you agreed with me...:)
Your last para is very true...
Simba are you new here?
This subject is quite difficult and has long been discussed by exacting scholars who have attached to it great significance.
Yes....i think that we all have a destiny....but we can choose ours with the choices we make....kinda like a choose your own adventure book.
I think life seems to be mostly a blend between the two. But the twisted question remains the following: what if our "choices" were predestined? It's somewhat analogous to the chicken and the egg.
yea tinker..that’s what I am trying to say.. if they are destined to get education..either someone will sponsor them or they get a scholarship..
I am not taking only about money...talking about opportunity...even if you are given an opportunity not all will make use of it...
Yes its like faith… some believe in it... some don’t..:)
money (great schooling) is no guarantee for doing gr8 in life, rather , at times, it's dampner!
FS, for that you need to read human history and see how many (so many actually) great/successful people excelled in life/business/society without their parents having money.
I think this topic itself is vague, it’s like asking someone’s faith and then questioning why not xyz’faith?
Destiny is belief, like faith, while choice is like science; they’ll always have incompatibilities
How will you choose to study if your parents dont have money to sent you to school?
FS, perhaps you’re talking in a limited canvass, and mixing opportunity with future-telling and success-failure.
It’s WRONg to say “we can make a choice ONLY if we have an opportunity”, opportunities are created, that’s called choices! And if it fails, then that’s not because it was destined but either executed wrongly or some other natural reasons.
We are educated(?), NOT because we’re born in affluence (as you say) BUT because we chose to study. There’s no dearth of people who rose to highest of development levels Not because they’re born in riches BUT because they ‘chose’ to, creating their own opportunities.
Painther..we can make a choice only if we have an opportunity? why is this opportunity not available for a person who is equally wise and educated as we are? that’s when destiny plays its role..
we are educated, bcos we are born in a family who can afford to give us good education.
Monkey woke up - he sleeps long!!!
And acceptance of inevitable change.
Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice: It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.
xpressodoc...yea agree..:)
Naïve are those who sit idle and wait for destiny,
Brave are those who go ahead make a choice (& write their own destiny),
Now choice is on you FS to decide!
unfortunately YES saraMagh...:(
can you see what I am typing?
Yes, Formatted Soul, I would never use a bus in the first place. However, even if there is a bus driver, I would not trust him. I would keep my eyes open and watch the street. I would be able to see the accident coming. Not, if I'm using my phone, though, or if I'm sleeping. But as I said before, anything you do is 'already written in the book'. It really doesn't matter. (That's the view of religious people). Quantum physics, however, (because you mentioned it), allows you to take both decisions. Both are equally probable, and the outcome is uncertain until you made a decision.
Brit...choices will be available only if you are destined to be in the right place at the right be there is destiny..
LP...Its not possible all the time .. if you are destined to live maybe you have space to move your car...if you have a wall on the other side how will you avoid the accident?
I will give an example... a relative and a neighbor of mine..who was a college professor...goes to work by college bus..if the bus is full and if a student give him his seat he wont take it, he will be day he was having headache and asked one of his students to if he can sit in his seat and the boy immediately got up and the next moment the bus met with an accident and the only person died in that accident was him ..many of them got injured...but only he died... do you think he could have made a better choice in this situation?
Tinker... only if you are destined to have good choices the options will be available to you..I feel so..
Thanks Painter for the link..:)
As a preacher I'd say:" It doesn't matter which choice you make, it's already written in 'the book' which choice you will be making." So, whatever you do, it's already destined. It's the easy way to explain things.
Life is Destiny
Living is an option
Becoming who you are is a choice.
We all make choices which lead us to our destiny ..
FS, here's further reading previosuly discussed on the same subject, hopefully enlighten-
it true.. colaboration..
"You may be driving safe and carefully, what if a truck looses control and hits your car?"
You should be prepared for such a case while driving. You can "see" it happening and react. If you use your mobile while driving your "destiny" is death! The "art" of driving is to look ahead, to judge situations before they become dangerous for you and avoid them by applying your skills. Even the destruction of our planet in 4 billion years is forseeable. It's up to you to take measures.
I think the truth is probably somewhere in between, especially if you look at "destiny" as things that happen in your life caused by something that is out of your control.
In this book Destiny vs. Choice: The Scientific and Spiritual Evidence Behind Fate and Free Will
Among the topics explained are:
•The historical battle between Fate and free will
•Intelligent design, evolution, the Big Bang and DNA as blueprints for life
•How the world’s religions view destiny and choice
•Using the Law of Attraction, intention and consciousness to create reality
•How quantum physics offers evidence for BOTH destiny and choice
•Fate and the paranormal: ghosts, life-after-death and astrology