Please Help the Animals!

Lets start to make changes!!
I can't look at this anymore a not doing a thing!!
Kindly for all the people who still have a little bit mercy in there hearts
Whenever you go to Souq or any pet shop and you see a cruel treatment of animals, take pictures, talk to people inside this shop let them see whats happening..
Contact the Animal Resource Department and make an official complain,also contact the consumer complaints department and make a complaint as well.
the picture taken send them to this authorities, post them in you FB accounts, QL,twitter, and the groups that you join...In FB and twitter accounts for radio stations..Let everyone talk about it...
And also send the pictures to QAWS so they can take an action too...
If enough of us complain, and refuse to visit the pet shops and souq, hopefully they will start to make some changes.
Don't say, i won't make a change!! We all can make a change..
"Contact the Animal Resource Department and make an official complain,also contact the consumer complaints department and make a complaint as well."
- Doha is a small city it's hard to imagine that the people in those agencies doesn't know what's going on in the souq or those pet shops. They don't have to wait for somebody to file a complaint.
Tatiana, you are fighting shadows...very large and powerful shadows.
I believe that things will change, as wrong can only be done for a certain time...then it has to's the natural way of things. and those who do it knowingly and willingly will go too.
Maybe you are right
But saying nothing will change it will lead to ( Nothing will really change)
I really believe that there are people who will fight till the end
If you stay silent regarding a crime, that means you are a murder too
I still have a hope no matter what
You will also lose valuable comments / inputs from the previous thread.
Tatiana, it really is simple...there are too many people who do not care, at all. In fact, quite a few people seem to enjoy hurting animals in many different ways for entertainment, or make money of them (souk, petshops and breeders)
I do understand how you feel and what you are trying to achieve. But I can tell you right now, it will not work.
All we can do is to take care of animals any way we can.
Articles about that place and the tremendous animal abuse there and in general have been highlighted in newspapers, awareness campaigns etc. AND? NOTHING. Nothing has changed.
I've been seeing a number of these "ooops" threads, locked by Mods, eh? ;P
lol posting again and again will lead u to ooooooooops then no more posts
How will spamming help this cause
Good Luck!
and also i wont lose a thing if i posted again and again and again...Its with the same title
who already read it before he simply can not open it
Luckily, no (live) chickens in the souq being sold as pets, thus not a "protected" animal. ..
I agree with your sentiments and the need to raise awareness. However, posting the same thing again and again on QL is not the answer - IMHO.
i am so hungry i want a chicken bbq
This is the problem people
Instead of sharing this with your friends
Some people just do a meaning less comments, and they are happy they got so far
Please grow up people..Life is more than making fun of everything..God gave us all this beauty to fight for it,if its abused!
If we can't protect people from ourselves ( like war, abuse, murders, ..... and a lot lot more !!
We can at least start to try to protect this animals
ROFL britey :)
Why not go stand at the souq and picket the passers by ..
and again and again!!!
Again !