Good Job by Peninsula Opinion Writer

From piece entitled 'Truth Be Told....'
'Critics, on the contrary, lay the blame for rumour-mongering at the doors of the authorities themselves and say their reluctance to share information with the public on issues that directly concern them, and the secrecy with which they function breeds rumour-mongering.
If the government is transparent, interactive and ever-willing to share information with the people, rumour would die their natural death, argue critics.
They maintain that while society is advancing fast and communication has become so easy in this era of information explosion, the government is stuck with its old and archaic ways of handling public issues.
It is this yawning communication gap that is to basically blame for rumour-mongering not only in situations of disaster but also in normal circumstances when rumours about an economic, social or general issue suddenly erupts and spreads like jungle fire
Full article:
And yet this contridicts the recent poll that the wish to censor is strongest(in fact a majority) within the Gulf State populations.
I guess sheep like being sheep......or they know no way of being anything else but sheep. The support for Egypt, Libya or Syria won't be given a foothold here if TPTB have any say in the matter.
Yes MM people can't handl the truth, treat them like children while you rob the country
Probably to good
The Peninsula website is still down....
He got it right the first time. Lack of information breeds rumours and is downright insulting to the populace as a whole.
The preference for censorship that he mentions only applies to explicitly sexual material - not information.
Can't seem to access the Peninsula website :O(
Truth should be told in installments, sudden exposer sometimes is not digested well by the majority { think mob }.