Whats going on at Govt housing dept?

Since i work at a senior level at a govt organization, i am entitled to govt housing. I completed all the requirements and my documents reached govt housing dept 2 weeks ago. When i went to enquire the status last week, the guy there told me that i will get an SMS. He was not interested to listen to me and least bothered to take down my preferences in terms of my preferred location and type of house. He was speaking only in Arabic and i could not understand a single word.
It has been two weeks and i am still waiting for SMS. Did anyone had similar experience? How did you resolve it? My family is already here staying in temp accomodation.
same happened to me i appliend in january and they are not listening to me regarding the type and location and just avoiding me.i also dont know what to do.if you know something let me know i visted them last thursday
check ur PM
try to go there with some arabic speaking guy to inquire about the exact position of ur application.
good luck
BTW if the delay is confirmed from their side u can demand for a reimburse of the period which u paid.
check again
Is your mobile number correct as per their record ?