Do you believe in ghosts?

By MarcoNandoz-01 •
So I was chatting to my friend on the phone last night, she beleives her school is haunted by an old tribe spirits.
however,according to a recent study, the haunting feelings exist but the ghosts do not - do you agree? Have you ever had any unusual, inexplicable experiences? Do you believe in ghosts?
n_minie, a haunted house may induce some fear in people but frankly I would love to spend a night there. It would be a lifetime experience...either way.
During our college days, a junior female student committed suicide in a lake which was inside our college campus. For many months after the incident some of us tried to go there late nights if her ghost would tell us the real story!! Well, we were not matured then and we seriously thought we could solve this case talking to her ghost. Now I laugh at myself for being so stupid.
Knight : Got to a haunted house at night. You may just be lucky.
Manna, I have been trying to get an appointment with a ghost but I guess all are too busy for me...
Good work here my friend..
I think its cute when they believe in spirits, ghosts and what not.
IMAO, Ghost Exists to those people who think that there is.
MN, I wonder why Hitler never got haunted or attacked by at least one of the Hebrew ghosts out of million people he ordered to be killed.
Well I think they do exist. Have seen 'em and so has my mom...
Manna Pro, Whats wrong with girls? why they are exceptional case?
n_minie, Thanks for your answers. I always look for some answers on supernatural stuff to get to a conclusion. As for now, I really don't believe in such things.
Definitely not complete darkness. There was light although it's night time .. and I am widely AWAKE. Like I've said.. if you have not seen / experience it then you would say it doesn't exist.
n_minie, How did you know it was a ghost? Whose ghost was it? Was it lighted all around or was it dark? It could have been a hallucination..isn't it?
Knight : When you see a ghost, will you go there & say hello ? Which sane person will do that? Definitely not me. How it look like ? Only the head is visible. No heads, legs , body etc.. Hope I answered yr Q.
n_minie, Really!! so why don't you tell about the ghost you have seen. How did it look like and what did it say to you??
Well if u have not seen it or experience it yourself then you would boldly say it's a myth or it does not exist. To me , I have seen it before and therefore I know they exist. Overall I would rather focus more on God than spirits / ghost.
I don't really have an issue with women believing, but a grown man!? C'mon!
Having said that- I think I was attacked by a Succubus in my sleep once. About 4 years ago..It was real
Yes, I believe in Jinns...
Always shocked to see seemingly functional adults talking gibberish and mumbo jumbo...Ghosts?
Please, who in their right minds would believe it? Why?
You die, but your still alive just nobody can see you and you comminicate by flickering the lights and moving objects when nobody is looking....Absurd!
Well, strange spirits have been apart of out family for some time. They are very helpful to us. lol I have never experienced these spirits myself but specific family members have repeatedly spoken about their encounters.
1. Grandmother was about to be hit by a bus. And 'somebody' picked her up and moved her out of the way. Turned around to say thanks but mysteriously no one was there.
2. Grandmother again when she was a child was in her room when a fire started. Freaked out as she was a strange spirit (what she thought was an angel) came down and told her' "Don't be afraid." And she calmed down and she sat down not being afraid. Until her father came breaking down the door screaming like "What the hell is the matter with you!!!" But she just said, "I am not afraid." :D
3. Great Grandmother was about to touch a high voltage wire until she sees this 'angel' spirit sitting right in front of it!
4. My Aunt is a little different hers are more like freaky strange spirits not as helpful as the others. :D Her's are more disturbing the peace by shutting and slamming doors randomly around the house.
And many more of other stories of such experiences. Some are indeed friendly ghosts though! :D
When you die, you're dead. It's over, thats it- Just like when your dog dies or when you step on a bug, thats it- so you better enjoy life while it lasts friends.
Cause you only get one
But I do believe that Christina Ricci (pictured in the OP) is nothing short of spectacular- Hauntingly beautiful
Left click on this
Yes, I believe that there are supernatural beings out there ...
Thomas Edison killed all the ghosts - with the invention of the electric bulb!
ghost really exists with scientific explanations...
A colleague just passed away last week, and some of my officemates are saying that they "felt" his presence and starting to tell tales about their experience, it's odd that only 3 of us didnt feel anything unusual, is it because all 3 of us dont believe in ghosts? LoL
And no, I dont believe in ghost, I am more scared of what a living man can do than a dead one.
I dont no exactly what is ghost look like, But im able to see dead people.
i do believe in after life + ghosts
& i've heard people say that there are some in Thumama Area :D
There is no such thing as Ghost!!
All fabricated by idle men, like many other things :P
Photoshop trick bullshit
see this
better to afraid to those thieves than ghosts.
Eager to meet one; I dont know why they scare of me?
i am ready to go to that villa, even if ghosts are there, they will run away after seeing me.
I don't believe in spirits of dead coming back to haunt us, but I do believe in demons!
i see ghosts, a normal thing with me.
A professor at the University of Tottenham was giving a lecture on Paranormal Studies..
To get a feel for his audience, he asks: "How many people here believe in ghosts?"
About 90 students raise their hands.
"Well, thats a good start. Out of those who believe in ghosts, do any of you think you have seen a ghost?"
About 40 students raise their hands..
"Thats really good. I'm really glad you take this seriously. Has anyone here ever talked to a ghost?"
About 15 students raise their hands..
"Has anyone here ever touched a ghost?"
3 students raise their hands...
"Thats fantastic. Now let me ask you one question further... Have any of you ever made love to a ghost?"
Way in the back, MarcoNandoz-01 raises his hand.
The professor takes off his glasses and says: "Son all the years I've beee giving this lecture, no one has ever claimed to have made love to a ghost. You've got to come up here and tell us about your experience."
Middle Eastern MarcoNandoz-01 replied with a nod and a grin, and began to make his way up to the podium.
When he reached the front of the room, the professor asks: "So MarcoNandoz-01, tell us what its like to have sex with a ghost?"
MarcoNandoz-01 replied: "Oh Shyte, from way back there, i thought you said Goats"
awooooo.. im a ghost buster.. :D
Khanan, Why don't you send him to that villa? Practical experience is much more necessary then theoretical knowledge!!
and hope you can sleep well and not haunted tonight! ;)
Khanan, i got lot of material to read today.
Yeah .. coz i used to watch "Casper the friendly ghost" a lot when i was kid :D
I do believe in Ghosts!