ME better off after the Arab Spring?

By MarcoNandoz-01 •
So tow years on after the Arab Spring, there doesn't seem has been any tangible summer bounty so far. No enlightenment or betterment in human rights on all levels.
No renaissance in the Arab Islamic world as it was promised at Al-Tahrer Square in Cairo Egypt.
Ethnic cleansing and religious persecutions of minorities continues unabated in places like Sudan, Iraq, Somalia, and Afghanistan and of course Pakistan.
The ongoing struggle for equal rights for women, gays, blacks, foreign workers, and religious and
Ethnic minorities.
So is the Middle East and the Muslim world a better place now after the Arab spring?
Will take much longer to change..
I fear it might change for the worse!
These inter-whatever fighting rise when the governments are weak, and the rule of law ignored. Typically, the less educated members of a society jump into these retarded excuses to revenge or gain power. Dark ages mentality is thus a natural behavior of such segment of the population. However, stereotyping the population of a modern society with leaps of achievements such as Iraq, is not fair nor acceptable.
So you think the inter-tribal, inter-religous fighting in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Bahrain, Saudi is a good thing? When you still judge people by their family name and what sect they belong to, you are still living in the dark ages.
Change takes time. Democracy and free speech do not occur overnight..
mozais lecturs us that an ethnic feud can be stopped as easily as starting it. Moreover, she calls Iraqis idiots, an historic precedence.
Let's hope for the best but the guys in the middle east are an intolerant bunch. Iraq is a good example. America broke it but that was no excuse for the ethnic and religious cleansing that did and still takes place. The yanks have gone home but still the Shia fight the Sunnis and the Christians and whatever else is left. Crazy idiots fighting over who has the best imaginary friend
Young people in the Middle East today want to be able earn a fair wage and have a roof over their heads.
Thses are now the most highest priorities for young people in the Middle East.
As of now things are still quite chaotic and unpredictable..could go either way! We can only hope for the better but be prepared for the worst. My prayers are with the innocents!
Something better, some worse. Depends on the country and the individual. Part of democracy is tolerating things you do not like, such as the picture in the OP.
Yes, just give it some time for things to cool down
its a muddle....