Can the imigration consider me on not paying the penalties of 200QR per day until I reach my flight schedule?
By marcky_51211 •
Hi can i ask about my situation because dec.14 the company canceled my visa and dec.21 is the expiration of my visa even though i want to go home in our country there’s no available flights because it’s peak-season and some airlines are full and very expensive 3880QR above.January 2 only is much affordable so i buy already a ticket. I don’t have enough money now to pay the penalties inside the airport imigration because i resigned my job can the imigration consider me on not paying the penalties of 200QR per day until I reach my flight schedule?
Thank you guys for answering my question. I have 1100QR money that's my last salary that they gave me and the ticket i bought is 990QR scheduled January 2. And so i can't afford to buy the expensive ticket although i want too. I'm waiting the result now of the Mando who speaks to the imigration officers because he is the man who are processing everything and he is the one who canceled my visa. The POLO-OWWA also advice me of deportation if theres no good result in explaining to the imigration office. It's very difficult in my part, finger cross...
Your rp has already expired. You need to go to immigration ASAP and request on compassionate grounds an extension till your flight date, but they will really not be bothered about why you are unable to travel today vs after some time.
It depends upon the officer who assists you.
If you don't get this extension, then you will have to cough up the fine money, because like I said, it's none of their concern as to why you were unable to travel at the earliest date. Be prepared to run, requesting from officer to officer. Sometimes these officers can be really kind, and very adjusting, just be polite when requesting.
All the best.
yes. but u must go as soon as possible and talk to the officer in immigration and tell him that, he might give u up to 3 weeks pardon time period.
i doubt if they will consider your case. You can still try speaking to them but i see very little hope. Expensive tickets cannot be a reason for not exiting the country on time.
you only have two options.. it's either u purchase a very expensive air ticket or you pay the penalties of 200 per day...either way will not be able to save... good luck...