Venue-,meeting of expats

By Venice G. Enderes •
hi I am new here on site,is there any venue for a meeting at qatar for any group- just for acquaintances and knowing each other personally except online?..
Hoping there is
have a nice day everyone
what is difference on complaining and good etiquette on blog??
Am new to Doha too, Been here for 2.5 months. Its quite a lonesome place if you know no one around..
Make the group happen and people stop complaining... Make it good..
In need of a special touch to a party/function/festive gathering?
We have all the tools and equipment available for all your needs!
- Cocktail making equipment.
- Exclusive Cocktail making experience and talent.
- Bar men & women.
- Entertainment of a LIVE BAND available.
- Lighting
- Sound systems.
- Anything that you want to make your night a success!!!
So if you're thinking of holding a function these festive periods, look no further than the service I'm offering to you at GREAT PRICES.
For a specific quote for any party; shape or size please contact:
James 66087664
Christian 77212853
enjoy ur weekend..
Tomorrow being weekend we expatriates do meet in the evening for a long drinking session and we are harmless...if you wanna meet expats, be my (our) guest*.
*Conditions apply.
Cool down this is Baptism of fire QL style.
hi guys even though i am new on this site what i observe to other members, instead of giving nice opinions-seems insulting and not really acceptable..anyway i do understand on individual differences but as being a person we should show some respect DON'T BE SO MEEN nor insults others opinions..the only i ask for opinions is just a venue of expats are there in qatar if there is..anyway have a great day..
2...need one more to go online...:)
lol Mariecor.
t_coffee_or_me...Ukeng is a kind of generous...he replies everything he can.
TCOM I think I kind of knew that!
I believe the question was for OP
I came from UK and you?
In which country you came from???
You can Join the Qatar Living Social Group..QLSG
This is the social group of QL.Here you will meet with people of different nationalities, with different careers, and people with different opinions.This is not a "Matchmaking" group. Do not join our socials just to meet women/men. If something clicks with you and a group mate, then great, but please be courteous of users and don't become a 'stalker'socials will be organised as regularly as possible.
We will have "girls and boys nights" out and "co-ed" outings.Some suggestions of things we could do would be appreciated. In the meantime, here are some of the events that could be organised.
1) Dinners
2) Movie nights (at homes/or cinema's) Not conflicting with the Movie Group.
3) Picnics
4) Clubbing
5) House parties
6) Roaming dinners
7) Shopping expeditions
8) Games evenings
9) Beach parties
10) Dhow trips
Lets have fun at these meetings, and lets keep them in good taste.Families are most welcome to join our events. I will ensure some family orientated gatherings also.
Acceptance into the Social Group will be determined by the time period you have been a member of QL, and the number of points you have accumulated. Please don't expect approval if you have been a member for longer than two weeks, but have less than 200 points(in 2 weeks) plus with that i will check your performance on the main forum too.
1) UkengQatar
2) Smoke
who else?
I'm free tonight pick me up at 7.00 thank you
seeing them? MAybe change location? MAybe they don't like QL anymore? Lol!
Lol TCOM, they are just around the corner. Need to be refreshed! MAybe a "QL spring" will do! Lolz!
Filexpat is dead.
Take the advice of Colt45. There is gathering at Filex sometimes. I haven't attended though.
thank you..will keep in touch then..nice day
create another account using another username, not your real name.
Then go back to the forum and enjoy the community.
As for the meet-ups, just monitor the board and there comes some invitations and maybe you could join in GROUP meet-ups!
And apply for membership with Filex, in due time you will be welcome and be with THEM!
Welcome and hope you do the first thing first ASAP!
Quick Invitation for Uk da Engr!!!
Welcome to QL Get ready to receive lots of PM
We at QLSG (Qatar Living Secret Group) meet very often you can join us too.
Join Filexpat... I'm sure they meet often :-)