ATM card and cash stuck up at Aziziya Family Shopping Complex ATM Machine.

I was trying to deposit an amount of 5500QR through Aziziya family shopping complex ATM machine on 7th October 2011 around 00:15 Hrs. But unfortunately both my cash and card stuck inside the machine. So anybody please advise me on how to get back my card and cash at the earliest as I planned to go to India on vacation after 1 week.
Your Brother.
Dear All, Thanks for your support. My bank is Doha Bank and the card and machine also the same. At the same spot i had called the customer care and registered the complaint. But there is no referance number for my complaint. I have told that it will take minimum 10-15 working days... After hearing this I am surprised....Anything do I need to do with my branch where i am holding the account? Some more advise????
Most cards and cash get retained by machine when the required time limit to collect them exceeds. Not necessarily a machine fault.
You can get your money back but may not be the card if your card issuing bank is different from the ATM bank.
Your bank should be able to guide you further.
It happens when the machine is faulty, or tempered with by someone. Its always advisable if this happens, stay by the machine and call the bank straightaway.Since you have left the scene, first thing you should have done is call you back and explain what happened.I hope you have done that. If its the machine's fault you will get your cash and card back. Even to get new card doesn't take long. depending on your account type, bank can issue card in 1-2 days. Good luck
Call your bank customer service number and inform them by giving exact details such as date, time, location and ATM (belongs to which bank).