
How many of you feel discombobulated at times? And that too, in which situation(s)?
Discombobulated, btw, means 'being thrown into confusion'.. Its when you're confused emotionally, and can't think clearly! (stressing on the word emotionally)
What I mean to ask is, when do u feel emotionally confused?
I read a lot about mental chemistry & quantum physics..my friends think im weird..:(
There will always be times in our lives when we reach the bottom but what's important is you bounce back higher..
u can be a very good friend a great consultant and happy go lucky neighbour.......I love u ...u write o well and from heart....
That's the point... we can't stick to one.. its like asking your heart whether you need love or asking your mind whether you need stability.... both are required and we can't do away with the other at the same time.
As far an Neurologists go, they study the science of emotion... So how can you study something without feeling it? that's like studying Maths without numbers!
Even emotions are only chemical reactions interpreted associatively by the brain.
This thread did start abt emotions, digressed into science, and came back to emotions...
And, what you say is true.. science and emotion are independent of each other..But then ,why is the science of emotion existent? Neurologists study it na?
You've lost track.. means u've discombobulated! :P
Yes, you can't undo what is done, but why live in misery? I understand, that as a parent, you will be sacrificing a lot for ur kids, but don't live in these moments with a heavy heart saying 'what-if'.
Embrace life as it is,with the intention of making it better for yourself and those close to you...
Sorry, but i don't agree with making your life miserable to give kids a good life. Kids are not stupid. they know what's going on.
How can they have a good life if there is tension in the home ?
Give your kids a good life :) can't undo whats already done..
Two years back hubby expired....than in a hush hush ceremony i got married ...still i m totally confused.should i go back and lead a single simple and very very modest life with the little money hubby left for me or remain here in Doha to give my kids a good life.... :(
I was discombobulated when my Cuban Shotputter left me :O(
When u say 'When events happen..... they will happen'.. well, it has happened, right? So if its happened, then there can't be a probability, because probability is to determine the chance of the event occuring.
It's quite simple, Speedysid. When events happen that have a probability, then they will happen. There is no cause that can be determined. They happen just because they can happen. But noone knows why.
Thanks for clarifying...But even probabilities have to be explained, right? the probability of a thing happening depends on certain things... these certain things are caused by something... to explain this something, we need to know what... and because it is caused by something, it will create an effect somewhere... I'm being very layman-ish over here, so I might sound silly.. but Its something that has intrigued me over time... Would appreciate your understanding mann..
Lincoln is right. only probabilities..can't be predicted.
We're given them...Tell me, if it isn't shown that the demon is a bad thing, then why should a child fear it? same way, if at a young age, certain things are conditioned into one's mind, the fear (or the absence of it) is developed... So,no one is born with fears... but everyone gets them at some point later...
Lincoln,that's what im doing. I'm not a what if and i should have type of person.I do what makes me happy. I do my own thing. This is my life anyway..
SukQuila mentioned Quantum Physics. There is no more 'cause and effect', Speedysid. There are only probabilities, and either can happen. Nothing can be predicted for a single instant.
Speedysid,that's the same question as "why would i drink beer and smoke if it will harm me?" Dont stress urself too much.. To taste heaven you sometimes have to let go of the things.
And what if you don't start to think about 'what ifs'? If you do it first and think later?
But their fiield os study differs..Every science explains things by the thumb rule of cause and effect.. Why our brain works the way it works.. why the piece of machinery works the way it works.. why the thunderbolt gives an electric shock the way it does.. Cause and effect...
If u start to care about what ifs,then you have fears.
Are you sure that we are born with fears?I had no fears until my parents told me about "sins."
What fear does , is in fact , keep us away from what we're supposed to do...as stated by you.. Yet, we fear... why do we fear despite knowing it is bad?
Exactly,even quantum physics states the same thing one way or another..:)
It is an interesting topic, especially when it comes to understanding imbalances.. Though I'm not a neuro medicine expert, I've read about it... and the wonderful fascinating things that lie in this vast world of understanding the human mind is like an infinite loop....
What makes us go deeper into it is the fact that we have fears..fears of any kind..that's what hold us back from doing what we have to do and what we should do..
Well said @we have to be stupid to become smart...Just wonder, what does it take to realise that we're in a limbo at that given moment.. when we realise that we're getting confused, what makes us go deeper into it, despite knowing how not to...
If you are reading about mental chemistry,you'll know that everything is all in the mind..
Speedysid,yes,infatuation is not good for my health. It made me stupid and see things thru rose-colored glasses..anyway,that's experience..We have to be stupid sometimes to become smart.
Tinkerbell, it's the brain that triggers the release of chemicals, not the heart! That's only true in Hollywood movies.
Many times actually. And what works for me is praying and seeking guidance from those in the know on how best I can get clarity from the situation that's causing me so much confusion. I'd say many times I've felt this way was due to my loved ones and how best to deal with them in the face of some trial. Alhamdullilah I've eventually got over the situation quite fast.
I guess these thoughts are mostly experienced by people in infatuated love... Maybe, love does make people disoriented!
What i have realized is:most of the time,i know the fact but i keep on denying it bec.of my hope that things might go the way i want them to and i won't be hurt in the end..
It's not the weakest but not the strongest ofcourse.. Our mind controls everything..
Do you mean the heart is the greatest weakness for a person?
Your mind knows..it's denial which is holding you back bec. of ur fear of getting hurt.
Yes, we have control over our mind.. but then, its something the mind doesn't know..No matter how much you spend to buy a poisonous snake and then consider it to be ur slave... the snake knows nothing but just to put its fangs... and in its fear, the slave becomes the master...
Sometimes when im in that situation,i want to slap my face for me to wake up.:p
That's the word! :P I wonder whether someone in incepting our mind because of which we fall in such situations...Something like a false reality...
That's only the avatar, ingeniero!
Lincoln, you missed a zero (0) in the end ;)
Good thing is i become happy quickly ..:)
Sometimes im in a limbo between what i want for myself and for the people who are depending on me..:(
It happened to me five years ago when I was 12.