dears i want to know some good suggestions about a serious matter.
actually one of my friend family is living here in doha with two kids ages 3 year and 1.5 years, now she is again pregnent and the pregnancy is only 05 weeks, but the health of mother is also not good as previous two kids born by operation.
her health is not good for any other operation.
the age of small kid is only 1.5 years.
my question is this whether she can use any kind of tablets for anti-pregnancy as the pregnancy is only 5 weeks,,,as we are muslims so we are affraid from our God whether this is sin or not.
please give me your good and knowledgeful answers if you know about that matters,i will be very thankful to you for this.
please guide us according to islamic point of view.
dear brother , as a muslim we know that what r u thinking to do is haram after 2 months but better for u to ask a doctor and went to a sheikh to ask for fatwa , god help u
dear brother , as a muslim we know that what r u thinking to do is haram after 2 months but better for u to ask a doctor and went to a sheikh to ask for fatwa , god help u
chk ur inbox brother i snt a prv.msg
Make dua to Allah that the parents are not ready for the new baby.
Since the pregnancy only 5 weeks it could be naturally aborted. Insya Allah.
Assalamu Alaikum..
Just chk ur inbx i snt a prv.msg...
Assalamu Alaikum..
Just chk ur inbx i snt n prv.msg...
well i am not a muslim but i studied islam and first of all condoms pregnancy control is everywhere so its wrong of her but if the child could hurt her and is dangerous to her health she can abort but advice let her console a doctor first u never know those pills what might do to her health !! goodluck
Dear friend,
There is no need to ask for fatwa in any matter. If the scholars are unanimous on a matter, it should be so well known that there is no need for a fatwa. If the scholars are not unanimous in a matter, as will be in your case, what is the need for fatwa? Anyway for your peace of mind watch this video session on zakir naik speaking on the issue
salam. i suggest you visit the FANAR Islamic Center. it is located opposite Souq Waqif. it is better to speak to an imam there in order for you to have a clear understanding of your situation.
daud, you have a predicament, but Allah gives and takes, you cannot decide on this, especially where offspring is concerend. you have been, subhanallah blessed with another baby, some strive for it endlessly for years and do not have children.
how do you know your wife cannot have the other child. i know of some women, who have had weak blood, weak bodies, and fearing the same, that they will not be able to bear the child, but were able to have healthy babies. one of my friend has had 4 successful c-sections.
has the doctor advised your wife against having this baby?
unless there is a strong medical ground, where having the baby will adversely affect the mother and her health, you should not go against nature.
I would advice you to speak to a scholar as well as check her health out at Women's Hospital, and take expert medical opinion.
Do istikhara. Allah will surely guide you.
have you consulted a gynaec? did the gynaec recommend abortion?
Either you ask a scholar personally or post your question in www.islamonline.net who will give you the proper answer.
i recommend the advise given by naomsm
daud i would suggest u consult with some aalim or mufti on this matter i know the answer to ur Q but im afraid of giving my opinion on this matter.
in most of the cases mothers health is given 1st priority when such situation arises.but consulting with an islamic scholar explaning him all the details of the mother ,her health situation now and in the past etc and etc ......would be more helpful
i wouldnt recommend u to act on some ones opinion on ql.
those ismalic scholar have spend 15 to 18 yrs of their life studying sharia laws and they are always their to serve us.
sheikh osama(from lucknow) very well known aaalim serving as an imam at al-attiya masjid in industrial area m sure he will be able to help
may ALLAH give her best of the health, prosperity and make her prepare for the situation which is best for her interest.
Before pregnancy no precautions were taken, now you cannot terminate the pregnancy, that is "haram" and what is the fault of unborn innocent infant, terminating is against Islam.
Now accept the reality, as said by previous poster that child may change your life altogether.
In my view, it is OK to be cautious BEFORE pregnancy.
But once the woman has become pregnant, then everyone should accept it as Allah's will. When Allah sends a child into the world, he sends the 'rizq' with the child i.e. the new child will bring more prosperity to the parents inshaAllah.
Allah is presenting yet another flower to the parents, they should accept that flower whole heartedly; not turn away from it.