Socializing starting October '11
Hey every1,
I'm Andre, a 23 year old male german, will be in Doha for quite a while starting this fall...Looking for new people (btw, any dj's and producers in this forum? would like to continue my obsession in qatar)...
Also wondering, if there will be any "special" activities/events going on to socialize when i arrive...
open for anything, mainly sports, traveling, good food, nightlife, name it...oh, and also want to spend some time in the desert. be it 4-wheeler riding or sandboarding, whatever.
I kind of got an impression that this site is a good way of meeting new people in the new environment :)
cheers folks!
u vl luv the website not the country..
Welcome To qatar..I am sure You will love this website as well as this Beautiful country...All the very Best for your job...byemohammad
welcome to qatar ^_^ "soon"