Key Money

My sister has came to qatar and interest to open restaurant.
we have been searching for more than 2 months and we havent made it.
The issue is the location and KEY MONEY.
I think sometimes it is ridicolous to hear to amount of KEY MONEY the agent or the shop tenant offered. First we never want to pay the key money but after this efforts which drive us to the dead end then we decide to agree to pay if the location is really worth for business.
Some Property agents are really playing around with this KEY MONEY.
any suggestion about how to avoid big key money and some suggestion for the place to open restaurant???
for 15000qr/month u willonly get a space to run a cafeteria , and to avoid the key money its better to contact the building owner directly. in barwa/wakra u can find many buildings without keymoney.
Thanks guys for the comments.we just want to start with small restaurant about 120m2 . maximum rent permonth we can effort is about QR 15000. Key money is depend on the location and the building condition.we are interest to have the location within doha.
key money made realestate downin doha
Will let u knw if I find any good location,key money is only for a few buildings which are in hard to come by areas,otherwise u just need to pay some commission to the agent
I know it is difficult but try to avoid the so called "mallu" agents as far as possible in your dealings. They normally inflate everything including Key Money for their own gain even if the owner is not that particular about hefty Key Money.
in his personal information it says Nationality: Indonesia
first tell your nationality and how much can u afford