Postal issues

Hi, I noticed my last month's bank statements were open when I took them out of my mailbox, but I thought nothing of it. But it's been the same this month.
I (kind of) understand why the post needs to open parcels, but why the bank letters when the bank details are clearly written on the envelope?
Has it happened to anyone else? Who do I complain to? My account details are all in the statement & that has me worried.
Thumb Rule for 'Services' in here...Expect the unexpected.
Look @ it this way mate,with the state of the postal system here,be thankful you even get the statement! open or unopened is secondary!...i've received birthday cards closer to my next birthday than the one it was sent for!...
In Qatar it is with the law! What you can do is, go to the bank monthly and inquire the status of your account. Any other medium is controlled and can be used by the authorities. Privacy is NOT protected in Qatar!
ah ok. Sorry, can't help you with your question.But I would be very unhappy if my letters were opened. Where I come from that is against the law, actually.
I wish!! I meant the box in the post office
Hang have a mail box? And the post delivers to it? Seriously?Or do you mean you have a box at the post office?