Software Quality Technical Lead Salary

I have 6+ years of experience and I have an offer as a technical software quality team lead in Qatar with the following details,
Basic Salary : 11,000 QAR
Housing: 4500 QAR
Transportation: 575 QAR
one ticket fight for me and my family/year
health care for me only, family not included in it!
No education allowance for my kid.
I am married with 3 years old daughter.
Is this considered a fair offer. Can I manage to relocate in Qatar along with my family with this package.
Thanks again mahad, really appreciate your replies.I communicated with the employer some comments on their offer to me and waiting for a reply :)I think if things went fine i will go for Wakrah, I see also it is the best option for now.Best Regards and sure will tell you if I need any further help.Thanks
Sorry for the late reply... Didnt loginSounds good. Yes you can commute from Wakrah... Wakrah is only 15 mins from Doha... And lets say maybe your work place would be 30-45mins away...So, Yes Wakrah is a peaceful place to stay... And, No, it will not be too far from work... My Uncle stays there, So I know the place
Thanks again mahad_2010I have another question that may sound not relevant... i searched the wesite for the renting rates and found that at Wakrah I can rent family Full Furnished apartements below 4500 QAR.Do you think this a good option if my job is inside Doha? Is Wakrah suitable for family residence? Will it be long way from my job or the way is not that bad?too many questions I know. hope you had the time to answer me. Best Regards
I believe there is no such thing as a School allowance...But, Yes, there are many companies (other than Oil and Gas) which cover Schooling and Medical... Depends on ur job profile and experience...While some companies either pay a Local Allowance or they compensate it in ur Salary... Again it depends on the job profile and experience...I was reading on here the other day, an IT company was paying QR 1400 per day along with the Medical and Schooling.. So it depends from Company to Company...If u relocate alone, then ur offer is good... But if u want to relocate with ur family, u need to negotiate with the Company, or look for another offer...Thanks
Thank you mahad_2010 for your answer. but I need to ask about something, Is it normal for software companies in Qatar to offer the school allowance as a benefit or this is just limited to the oil companies?Thanks again for your answer, you helped me alot.Best Regards
Your salary alone is fair... But considering the fact that your family's medical and education is not covered by your company, this offer is not good at all...Medical here is expensive... For a decent family accomodation, 5000-7000 is need therefore 4500 as a Family Housing allowance is also less....575 for Transportation is also very nominal... Companies normally here pay between 1000-2500 for Transport...In short your Offer is not good if u relocate with ur family... Thanks