The Younger breed of locals

What I noticed yesterday on my visit along with my family to a local amusement park was quite disturbing. The local children accompanied by their maids or no one atall, were at their worst behaviour. The maids did not care or were not allowed to correct them I assume. A while later as I moved out from there, thinking about what these children will grow up to be, I saw a group of local elderly boys trying to help a family whose family member suddenly took ill at the venue. They looked very concern and I was left to think, will the boys inside the park grow up to be like the ones outside???? Probably not!!!! Just remember the maids are paid to work, they do not care what your child grows up to be. It is our responsibility to discipline our children and teach them respect for the other person. The warm feeling in Qatar is generated by individuals who are a part of close knit respectable families, lets not give the country's future totally into the hands of the maids or nannies.
Angelina is imho absolutely spot on with that description. Im afraid that the Qatari parents that I observe have pretty much zero Paternal/Maternal instincts and yeah, its left to the hired help to do what they can. I see an awful lot of local women slapping their kids around the face as well in an effort to exert some form of authority in the malls - these are observations on my part - please dont shoot the messenger - just telling it as i observe it.
My point is that this is a good thread and there is a REAL problem just over the horizon.
Angelina is imho absolutely spot on with that description. Im afraid that the Qatari parents that I observe have pretty much zero Paternal/Maternal instincts and yeah, its left to the hired help to do what they can. I see an awful lot of local women slapping their kids around the face as well in an effort to exert some form of authority in the malls - these are observations on my part - please dont shoot the messenger - just telling it as i observe it.
My point is that this is a good thread and there is a REAL problem just over the horizon.
In kuwait there are ferral children who are bought up by maids (who are too scared to chastise the children). These children grow up with no respect and have no bounderies and are hooligans on the gulf road at night. To get their kicks they go with prositutes, drink, are a menace to walk past(if you are brave enough too) and torture animals, I am not saying all kuwaiti children are like this only the ones witht he lazy parents who prefer to do things other than family retreats. Be careful children are a gift from God for you to cherish!
I agree...but feral is possibly a little too strong! lol...only a little though. AngelinaBallerina, I'm pretty sure Nepali women are allowed to work in Doha now...quite regulated so sure there aren't many, but still. Wrote Nepali, should've said Indonesian...
The word is feral.....and dohabrit if I am not wrong Nepali women don't work here....
I too donyt have different opinion from what you guys said .. These kids are really horrfic. Am not sure these are Qatari kids or not. But trust me , they are a meance .we just dont feel like calling them children. they are worst than animals . They do scracthes to your cars, Come into buildings ,misuse the lifts . The other day i just saw a kid urinating in the lift. iwas so shocked,wondering how are these kids brought up. trust me, am really scaresd to bring my car and park it near my home .. . i park it in my friends bldg where ther is an underground parking faciltiy ...
Not all children brought up by maids are rude and disrespectful - some are lovely kids.
I do agree however- sometimes the parents are quite happy for the kid to be raised by a person that is called a ‘nanny’. In truth though; they are usually a young girl from an impoverished background who has little education. These are not 'nanny’s' but young innocent girls who have no idea what is involved with raising a child or the culture they find themselves in.
I actually blame the people that recruit these innocents - they must lie to them for them to sign the contract.
Unscrupulous people (in their home country) - hiring innocent desperate people who then end up being hired and end up in a monopoly ‘do they get nice people or horrible people’.
The people that suffer are the kids and the maids.
the sad part is when those nannies took their vacation, those children cry more than when the moms leave them
Breed of locals?
Were you brought up by a nanny too or do you have some other excuse for being disrespectful?
a fact: many of the children are 100% raised by the nannies and some of them already learned to speak the nannies languages (tagalog, hindi ...)Parents are busy out, the father in a majlis with his friends, the mother at her cousins or outside shopping, the kids with the nanny! thats life in here for many.
There is definitely a worrying generation of young Qatari's coming through, raised by nepali nannies who have no authority over them and they in turn have no respect for the nannies. Limited discipline in these formative years, added to vast sums of cash is indeed very worrying. Still, with Qatari's being encouraged to bolster the local population by having lots of children, they are left in a situation where nannies are unavoidable and necessary. It's all about discipline and being accountable!
its the parents duty to discipline their kids not the nannies.Not all wearing thobe are local.THere so many people or teens wearing thobe and they are telling that they are locals but when you ask their ID they won't show it because they are not qataris...
Could be that the two sets of boys were from different families/social groups, too. Perhaps the second group benefited from quality parenting. I can't really blame the nannies for not disciplining their charges. It's not like they are well paid or that it is their kids.