Arabic Words - 25/06

Good morning,
First of all I would like to apologize to all that I couldn’t post my daily Arabic words on Thursday due to some personal and work related issues which prevented me from opening QL, any way let’s back to our class:
<u><b> Words: </u></b>
Ghorfat Joloos = <i> Sitting room </i> = <b>غرفة جلوس </b>
Matbakh = <i> Kitchen</i> = <b>مطبخ </b>
Ghorfat Naom =<i> Bedroom </i> = <b>غرفة نوم </b>
Shaqqa =<i> Flat </i> = <b>شقة </b>
Sala = <i> Hall </i> = <b>صالة </b>
<u><b> Example: </u></b>
Bayty howa shaqqa mokawana men Ghorfa wa sala wa Matbakh.
= <i>my house is a flat containing a room and hall and kitchen </i>
<u><b> Quiz: </u></b>
Fill the spaces with a suitable synonym:
Waled = 1. _____ =<i> Father </i>
Waleda = 2. _____ =<i> Mother</i>
Ebn = 3. _____ = <i> Son </i>
Ebna = 4. _____ = <i> Daughter </i>
Jad = <i> Grand Father </i>
5. _____ = <i> Grand Mother</i>
Correct answers will be given on 1:30 pm
osama, we appreciate your arabic class alot..i'll save it for future use..;)
The correct answers are:
1. Ab
2. Om
3. Walad
4. Bent
5. Jadda
I would like to appologize to all because the thread today is not very clear, but we hope that it will be fine in our next class.
We undesrtand that Osama.Yes, I just found out today QL site is really weird, they might make some modifcations on hypertext Language/rich text.Hope QL Mods, will upgrade this and work properly at the soonest, but its good thing to know that QL sites will not stop for continous improvement of the site.Keep up the good work QL admin.
osama, there's a new icon for italic or if you want to make it bold or if you want the words with underline just check the upper buttons..hope i help you with this buddy..
SS: i don't know why so, generally i use the <i/> things to make (Italic, bold and underline) -html language- but today it looks weird.
osama, your thread is quite confusing because of the <i/> that part of it buddy?