
By Alisonjane30 •
Can someone please let me know, how a manager at Al Hammed International School, can abuse a small child, get arrested and jailed for days, let out and go back to his job.... Why does the Surpreme Education Council allow this to happen? In the US, he would not have been allowed to work with or near children again.....
WHat kind of abuse?
Qatar has zero tolerance towards child abuse especially in schools.
Teachers are not supposed to even raise their voices in anger (quite right too). You do not have to shout to be heard and if you do shout you have basically ‘lost it’.
The SEC takes all complaints very seriously – they are trying to raise standards not lower them.
This man was found to have nothing to answer – so of course he was allowed back in the school.
Alison another thought - before you make a comment as you did on a public forum you should at least verify ALL the facts.
britxpat - he was being held while facts were being verified as there is very much a zero tolerance to child abuse in Qatar - Apparently The Police and The Supreme Education Council dropped all charges which is why he is back at work - makes sense to me :)
Was he ound guilty or just held in jail whilst the facts were verified by the Police ?
Alison, you heard facts from a witness who chose to twist the facts - the child was not abused. ..... no payments bribes or favours .... like most countries child abuse is not acceptable in Qatar.
well, so many issues has witnesses. even they accept money to be witnesses
drsam said,
Yes, i did hear a witness, and i know the facts to be true, so please let us know why a person would be allowed to continue........ let me enlighten you.... payments, bribes and favors, this is how....this is Qatar, and its the children who will suffer...
happygolucky, you are right comparisons are inane... I wish the WC was tomorrow! pffffewwwww........ I know, I know...will be in the mould soon...just had my coffee ...:)
how do u know that the manager is guilty? are u a judge? did u hear witnesses? he must be given the benefit of the doubt because every one is not guilty until proven otherwise.
so please give us a link, or at least the full story instead of shreads of accusations and prejudgement.
Fair enough, but Qatar is constantly comparing itself with more developed countries as it aspires to join them.'re still looking for anything making 'sense'? on QL?... Oh, Man :)
If that be, then comparisons should be drawn with an equally comparable country ... one cant be comparing a developed country with a developing or underdeveloped country ... it makes no sense, atleast not to me, because then those terms..developed, developing and underdeveloped countries have no meaning.
Comparisons are helpful when trying to critique or improve the status quo.
But still I dont see that laws of US would be used....even if they are not funny and used properly!
That's right! The laws in Qatar are funny and seldom ever used properly!
But Qatar is not US so why the comparison...shouldnt we be talking within the legal set up of the country and laws in place.
Yeah, please give us the full story.
what exactly is the story?
In the US and any other civilized country that loves children he would have been jailed for a long time.