Aussie Woman's Private number plate!

Love this... The Pitfalls of a global society ..
Would you buy a private plate? If so, what would it say and why ?
Keep it clean please!
An Australian woman was told to remove her personalised number plates which bear her nickname 'Kiki', following a complaint that the word is Filipino for a part of the female anatomy.
Kristen Perry, known as Kiki by her friends and family received a letter from the Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) in New South Wales demanding that she show "just cause" for using the plates, otherwise they would be confiscated.
The RTA said it had received a complaint from a member of the Filipino community because Mrs Perry's nickname Kiki had a rude translation in Tagalog.
After a wave of public support for her cause, the RTA backed down, saying it would take a "common sense approach" to the matter.
However, it issued a warning that "personalised plates must not carry offensive language, religious or sexual content".
Thats right Sean, so 'karat' is a Kapampangan word and not Tagalog.
nomad_08 got it from a friend, he said its from a dialect used in pampanga province, philippines.
sean Karat is not a tagalog word :-(
Dracula, the tagalog word for the F word is carat, or be careful the next time you ask for a 24 karats.LOL
ROFL..HBoss :)
Dracula.. i know that.. my office mate use this word every time he had a hard time... sambag - pula lol... so i told him just simply say RED....
Timbo what is the purpose of picking on my grammar in this thread?
If they dont like it they shud go back to where they came from.
Respect the local communities i say, shame Britain does not though....
you are a journalist and you still can't manage the apostrophe despite years of me picking on you.
Why does Filipinos earn one? Is it because it ends in a vowel? Is that what confuses people?
Have you got Then and Than nailed yet?
twinkerbell, no no took some meds to clear up the clogged vessels.LOL
i am sewing (suing) khanan and britexpat and Dracula too.
khanan, HeY HoT SwEeT MaMa, man im pretty! (johnny Bravo).
My car doesn't start at all! It's a RED car! :)
"Deir ma khanda"
Translation : RIP...
Brit ALU sounds lie a vegetable in Hindi. Vegetable that feeds us, it will hurt my stomach's feelings if you put that on the back of your car.
You use that number plate and I will see you in court :P
Guys if you hear of an aussie having a heart attack coz of excessive laughter, that me.
I would like a plate with the letters "ALUCARD"
RTA- Road To Australia.
DraculLLLAA..rofl...teach me Romanina man.hahah..My eyes my eyes..LOL.
you you you DDracula you.
obviously the Australian RTA have not heard of KIKI Vandeweghe (played as a professional in the NBA) and KIKI Dee (who sang duet with Elton John's Dont Go Breakin' my Heart)?
Sean...someone said It's only arrogance if you're wrong.I know who u r...
Draccy doesnot seem to be aroung pls ask him to call me
you really dont want to know the translation of "red" from tagalog in ...romanian language! :P|en|pula|en|pula
treysdad, wannabe!! what country is that?never heard of it before.
it ringy no bells
An australian who doesn't know the meaning of the word 'mate'?
Hahaha, I was talking to a wannabe.
I'm out then.
smoke, LOL. at ease.
I was planning for a car plate, "I rock".but no, i am having second thoughts.I don't wanna get beten up by "Dwayne Johnson".Hey buddy, big fan man big fan.
Isn't it better suited to you as Whyteknight Brown (too make it even better you can choose between light and dark brown) you wouldn't need to complain then.
All the Guys in the world who are named Dick please "stand up"
treysdad, like how slow should i read how about one word per 2 minutes, or how about i read it loud or write it LOUD.LOL.
Cool down man.Chill.and i am not your mate. (i am already taken)
my number plate contains '69'.. i hope now Qatar Traffic Dept dosen't confiscate it.... !
Why don't you ask your RTA? They were the ones who acted on it based on one person's complaint.
Just goes to show how high your reading comprehension is.
Read the link again please. And this time slowly, mate!
that means someone is supposed to change his name even, just because of the fact that in some language it gives a vulgar meaning.
Things sure are getting crazy.
Being a brown skinned person, I am offended by Gordon Brown's last name. Where should I complain to ensure hey change his last name?
Elegantlady, i am gonna weep. I am furious at this out landish, blasphemy, LOLL.I am gonna rock this boat to the ground, the ausies have been wronged.HAHAHAH..
Elegantlady , i'm just having some fun.I don't mind at all.But i am arrogant and narcistic.LOL
What plate would you have and why ?
Seems like again ONE Filipino got offended lol :P yes cool down everyone its the weekend. down sean...
Hi Dracy..
hey hey Dracula, how are you..
I am going weeping coz i was called arrogant and a prick, sniff sniff snif..
me weepy here.
; (
treysdad, "It is your beloved Australian law that states: "the content of personalised plates must not carry offensive language, religious or sexual content"."
Now pop quiz hot shot, where in the whole ebglish dictionary will you find the word "kiki" denoting the female genitalia?
anyone from QL help this guy please.
Cool down, good people!
Feeling a little sensitive this morning are we
treysdad, me arrogant yes, narcistic yes, racist no, prick i do when it calls for it.
seantrump, could you please read the whole original report before thumping on the whole filipino community? You arrogant, racist prick.
Your beloved Australian RTA acted on one person's complaint. ONE PERSON.
It is your beloved Australian law that states: "the content of personalised plates must not carry offensive language, religious or sexual content".
Because they're part of the government and like everywhere else, think of themselves as demi-gods..
Why didn't they take a "common sense approach" in the first place before making all this hooohaa
After a wave of public support for her cause, the RTA backed down, saying it would take a "common sense approach" to the matter. ;o)
tinkerbell now i know why the movie, "America's sweethearts" was banned in the filippines.(the nick name of Julia Roberts)
I am planning to post a classified for a tutor of the native australian language tagalog.I am willing to pay also, free pick up and drop.Free lunch, dinner, breakfast and Over time too.LOL
I must look this up on WiKiKipedia
tinkerbell, so much for freedom of speech and expression huh.I tend to forget that the native tongue of Australia is Tagalog.
Man i must be one illetrate fool for not being able to speak my mother tongue
Wow...Are there that many Filipino's in New South Wales? KiKi is a pretty common nickname...
Britexpat, while in rome do the romans eerr i mena do as the romans do.If the philipino community has a problem with aussie number plates then they should go back home.