Simple and Short Story

By simple12me •
hello.. i am from philippines and working and live here in qatar for almost 4 Years and a half.. Ive got a Great and Bad Moment in qatar but i am so happy coz i met someOne who fullfill all my happiness, we share our happiness and we share our problem, were helping each other, caring and LOVE each other, but we need to separate coz we are not able to stay forever together which against the LAW.. And now im alone and Independent and still waiting for someone who fullfill my happiness but im still believe that we will see each other again.. i dont know when or how or which Places, but i would love too..
ooops...shouldn't have asked that....
I think I opened a can of worms...yaiiiks!
is that so :)
hey girl!
I was many times there in your position... here there will only be two reasons why love is forbidden... either one of you are married or because of family region and tradition.
but you know, if you desert yourself and didn't try to open up the doors of opportunity to the possibility of meeting the right for you kinda guy you will be forever alone and in pain.
Now, I'm getting married next month after several relationship here in Qatar.
Its always good to move on and care for your future plans...Looking back will hurt you more..
well... im almost moving On...
just live your life again.. :) kabayan..
wHy d0 s0meting dat is againSt da Law in da firSt plaCe. U r herE 2 w0rk n0t maKe r0manCe!
Maybe thats it its just one way now, maybe certainly..
err, ok... godd luck with the waiting..
join the latino dance group...
lolz.. hehehehhehe thank you
guy's dont fiiit....
Yes Agree coz you know she`s a Female..
Stop pretending mr. Imtiaz and i know what u mean and Intension by that!!!
i agree to what wirehead said :-)
Thank you MS. BANKER for your Unexpected Comment from you...
Philipino Behavior
Tsk Tsk Tsk.....
and you know what i mean!!!!!!
well thank you for this story. while you're waiting for that person, i suggest you try to grow and improve yourself. learn. start with your writing skills.
and please, let's not create opportunities for the sad, cynical creatures here to bash our romantic nature :) i'm trying hard not to sound condescending, but i hope you understand what i mean. peace.
well.. i have no Idea.. hahahahha
Wat is FILEEX GROUP all about???
Im not Interested to any Activities..
Seriously i dont like..
Join the Fileex group. Participate in their activities and you won't be lonely.
I tooo agree with BRITEX
I wish i can find someOne new but i cant.. Only reminds me at all!!
You can't have it both ways..
Either wait for your loved one or go for someone new..