Just a few rat facts

RATS reach sexual maturity in just eight weeks, have sex 20 times a day and can give birth every four weeks.
• A SINGLE pair can produce 2,000 offspring a year.
• RATS eat almost anything of animal or vegetable origin, including rubbish.
• THE average rat grows to 12in long, weighing about 1lb.
• RATS' teeth are harder than aluminium or copper, allowing them to gnaw through cables.
• THEY can climb brickwork, get into cavity walls and swim up toilet U-bends.
• RATS can squeeze through a hole no larger than a man's thumb.
• RATS eat or damage 20 per cent of the world's crops.
• BUCKINGHAM Palace called in exterminators after a rat infestation in its kitchens last year.
• THE rat is the only wild animal the SAS are banned from eating in the field, because of the dangers of disease.
• THE rodents are eaten by humans in parts of China, Mexico and Africa.
• THERE are more rats than humans on the planet - over six billion in 550 species.
• THE infection causing Weil's disease is carried in rat's urine. They urinate 80 times a day.
Q: What is a rats favorite game?
A: Hide and squeak!
too busy...
Mothers typically only feed their kits about 5 minutes a day
Rabbit meat is lower in fat, cholesterol and calories than chicken, pork and beef
Rabbit meat is all white meat
Rabbit droppings make an excellent garden fertilizer
Rabbits have 28 teeth
A 4 pound rabbit will drink as much water as a 20 pound dog
Bunnies love to chew
Rabbits do not hibernate
Rabbits can jump 36″ and higher
Rabbits can suffer heat stroke
Rabbits can see behind them, but have blind spot in front of their face.
am i to understand that you have bought yourself a rabbit ?
Rabbits can be litter trained
A pet rabbit can live as long as 10 years
Bunnies get weaned at about 8 weeks old
Adult bunnies can weigh between 2 lbs - 20 lbs depending on breed
Rabbits can purr similar to a cat
Domesticated rabbits are born without fur
Domesticated rabbits eyes do not open until they are about 2 weeks old
Rabbits cannot vomit
Rabbits need hay to assist the digestive system and prevent fur balls in their stomach
A group of rabbits is called a herd
A group of rabbits live in a warren
Rabbits are not rodents, they are lagomorphs.
A male rabbit is a buck.
A female rabbit is a doe.
A baby rabbit is a kit.
When the doe gives birth her babies are collectively refered to as a litter.
The gestation period for a rabbit averages 31 days.
A rabbits teeth never stop growing.
The American Rabbit Breeders Association has 45 recognized breeds of rabbits
The ARBA has over 30,000 members
There are women too who are "rat-ty"... :P
Just jesting, you guys....hehehehehe
I don't like rats...the real Mccoy or the human kind of "rats". :)
Yes there are big Rats in Qatar. Go to the Doha Port and West Bay you will see Giant Rats.
Are there rat problems in Qatar. I've seen mice but no rats?
when i google it is coming "WHY DO GIRLS HAVE BOOBS" while typed was rat :-(
I googled it..nothing about boobs..only about rat periods! I guess Rats can use small tampons.
google this and see what you get
"does female rats have boobs"
That is why female rats seldom fall for booby traps!
Rats have boobs.
A rat's fur smells like grape soda.
Rats can be trained to do simple tricks.
Rats can train humans to do simple tricks.
Where do Rats bathe themselves? I hope they don't use my tub!
- Rats bathe themselves, usually six times a day or more. A rat's saliva has some pink pigmentation, which can cause a light-colored rat to look discolored. A warm washcloth with baby shampoo is great for those trouble spots.
- PEW stands for "Pink Eyed White" the fancy rat terminology for "albino" or any all-white rat with pink eyes. Conversely, BEW stands for "Black Eyed White" (which is not an albino).
- Rats have bellybuttons.
- Rats don't have gallbladders.
- Rats don't have tonsils.
- A rat's temperature is regulated though its tail (assuming it has one). A really hot rat will lay on its back so that it can "sweat" through the soles of its feet.
- A group of rats is called a mischief.
- Red discharge from a rat's nose or eyes is usually porphyrin, not blood. Unlike blood, porphyrin is flourescent under UV light. It is produced in glands behind the rat's eyes. Overproduction of this discharge can be caused by stress or illness.
Anyway this is a very informative topic.
LOL Rishimba the Pied Piper also can draw children after him! So be sure to pay him his dues.
Rats have poor vision. To compensate for this, a red or pink eyed rat will often weave its head side to side to add "motion" to see better. They also don't see in color.
Rats normally prefer to have cage mates. It is possible to group female or male rats together, though care should be taken when introducing a new rat.
While it's great to have both female and male rats, be wary of letting them play together; rats can complete the courting ritual and the whole romantic relationship in about two seconds.
Generally speaking, male rats make better "lap" pets, preferring to sit and have their ears scratched by an attentive human friend. Female rats are very curious, and love to explore and play games. Both genders make great companions.
Rats can eat chocolate.
Rats can also eat smaller pets. Rats are omnivores, and have enough predatory instinct left in them to consider birds, fish and even some smaller rodents as "snacks."
Rats don't have canine teeth.
Rats don't have thumbs.
The oils in cedar and pine are toxic to rats, and should not be used in their bedding materials.
"THE rat is the only wild animal the SAS are banned from eating in the field, because of the dangers of disease. "
So, how come Koreans are fit and strong and even eat kimchee ?
BUCKINGHAM Palace called in exterminators after a rat infestation in its kitchens last year
the only exterminator i know is ARNOLD
Very good subject to discuss on the weekend...
You bring few more facts and my hatred towards RATS will increase more...YUCK!!
we need some people like pied piper of hamelin to get rid of these rodents..