how can i acquire NOC?
By donner0219 •
i have been working here in Qatar for just 2 years and 4 months and I wanted to transfer to another company. the problem is our company does not give NOC unless we stay in the company for 5 years. Here comes the question. can i buy my visa from my sponsor for me to have a NOC to transfer to another company? is it possible? is there such a law that would prohibit me from buying my visa from my present employer? thanks.
Yes, there is a law which PROHIBITS the sales (and the buying) of Visa!! You can only fall on your knees and pray. Maybe Allah will tell your moron company to isssue the NOC. It would be uselful if you'd give us the name of this company so that other don't fall in the hands of these slave masters!!
You can request in your previous company for it atleast one month before you leave, or it depends if your company is willing to provide, because some company is happy giving hard times to there employees....goodluck
only your company knows whether you can buy your visa just to get an NOC from them...unfortunately the only way to get a new job is to get out of Qatar and work for 2 yrs... only then you can come back and find another job in Qatar..NOC will no longer be required by that time...