y is it difficult 2 gt job as microbiologist.

By maimoona jameel •
i have done BSc honours in microbiology and recieved my degree december 2010. Its getting difficult for me to get any job as microbiologist . the organizations ask for the experience. i have done volunteer work of 1 year in pakistan hospitals during my graduation period . My point is if the organizations wont hire me , how would i be able to get an experience . isnt there a single person who could just guide me and tell me what is the actuall technique here in Doha to get a job .
Some positions areavailable at Biotechnology Centre,Qatar
i will also say the same, try to get more experience from ur country, b4 applying here...
its very hard to find...but still b determined to get it...
I agree with you that microbiologist graduated have limited opportunities to work in Labs in Qatar.
You can apply for Training in HMC laboratories, however; no granted job!!..at least you will trained in a JCI accredited lab and hospital.
good luck
Hey Sara,
Still u r here in Doha? Did you get residence visa, as I know u were returning last decembar. Any way, whats up? managed to get ur dream job here?
Ya, it is very hard to find a microbiologist job here in Qatar, as there are very very few organizations that work with microbiology except the hospitals. But to be honest with you, it is always better to have atleast three years of experience in home country to be eligible for acceptance here in gulf as there are lots of microbiologist with their masters degree and handfull years of exp. roaming around for jobs. So it is very very hard competitions here. But dont get deprived, have patience, and go on searching, Insha-Allah, you may succeed.
Lol, i've done masters in Microbio, already tried for jobs in doha as a microbiologist, thr r a couple of jobs i cn say, but i think those r for much experienced microbiologists n not for mid-career microbiologists, still i must say, try try but dont cry ;)
References in hospitals or labs may b helpful.
When you are working in the hard sciences a graduate degree is essential. I would advise that you further your education. I used to be in a similar situation and found that your more valuable with a graduate degree (Masters or PhD).
Yeah, there's probably two jobs here and they are both taken.
at micro level, everything is hard to find, not only jobs.
Theer are only a "minute" number of positions available
did someone tell you that there was a big opportunity for the same here? Gain some more experience from Pakistan and maybe you will be successful in getting a job here
Well, because microbiologists have PhDs in that subject. A bachelor's degree is just that.