had my delivery in doha last 2005 in hamad but until now i didnt take a residency visa for her.

i had my delivery here in doha last 2005 in hamad hospital but until now i didnt take a residency visa for her. I want to take one now but my questions is where do i need to go? how much do i need to pay? and is there any penalty? what are the documents?
please try to help me and give me some ideas what im going to do?
i need your opinion?
If your answers is YES to Mr.Faheem questions. It is really strange and i am sure no one can give you right answer or guide you in this regard unless you handle on your own.
God bless you.
hamad might have given u one slip at time of discharge.
u need 2 submit that slip along wid form of birth certificate ,which u will get at hamad womens hospital ground flr.
and fill it submit slip and form their in hmad wmn hosp.
you will be asked 2collect after a week
than once u get bc
u neeed to go to visa office at garafa
fill in the form for RP and submit it along wid BC amd u may hav to pay somewat 250Qr
u will get Rp easily
i dont hav any idea about f9 for late issuing
hope you get it
God Bless you..How can you be so careless for her...? It surpriced me.
So -it means that she has not birth certificate at all ?
I guess you have to start at the national health authority -or something like that is the name . it is a building opposite the hospital - somewhere near lulu .
Tell at the reception that you want to have a birth certificate for her .Bring with yourself the paper that you got from Women Hospital in 2005 .
Penalty is around 4 thousand rial per year or more I guess . it is a real fortune .I feel sorry for you .
Hope that her case will be sold as soon as possible . You can not register her at schools without papers .