family visa

By thasleem50 •
as.alikum how r u all...any one can advise me that my family hasbeen rejected then i went for meeting now al most 3 days they said check after 3 days, but i checked bt still in the system "rejected" is there still chance for me or what i have to do.
note: we had family visa already and it was expired last year january,my wife was in sri lanka due to delivery baby at that time she could not travel to doha for renewal,
So you mean that your wife was having valid RP before leaving for SRILANKA for delivery??
If yes, then CANCEL your wife's OLD VISA first..I am sure you will get the answer soon then..
The same thing happened in my case too and thus suggesting you.
You have to go the MAIN IMMIGRATION department at MADINAT KHALIFA to cancel her old visa...
If they say check after 03 days, most probably it will be approved. wait 2 more days and check. all the best !