What is the procedures & requirements in applying for a Philippine Passport for a new born baby?

Hi..to my fellow filipinos out there, may I know the procedures and required documentations in applying for a Philippine Passport for my newly born baby. I am just waiting for the issuance of my child's birth certificate. Somebody told me that after getting the birth certificate, I need to go to Dept. of Foreign Affairs office (near Al-Bustan Hotel) for stamping before I proceed to Phil Embassy. Any information is highly appreciated.
Wow this is so helpful! I have a few questions too if you dont mind.
a. Photos (4 copies) – white background for green & blue for MRP - What is MRP? I don't understand your statement. Is it 4 copies of white background and 4 copies of blue background? What do you mean by green?
Sorry for the ignorance.
d. Original birth certificate (white color)
e. Photocopy of original birth certificate (4 copies)
f. Original true copy of birth certificate (yellow color)
g. Photocopy of original true copy of birth certificate (4 copies)
Where can I get the Original true copy of the birth cert?
I'm glad to help.
2. Steps to do:
a. Fill out the 2 forms (j & k) – write clearly in capital letters.
b. Make 4 sets of copies in arranged order as follows:
i. Birth certificate copy (white)
ii. Birth certificate copy (yellow)
iii. Father passport copy
iv. Mother passport copy
v. Marriage certificate
c. Come early to the embassy around 7:30am (open @ 8am) and go to ‘Birth, marriage & death’ section and list your name. (Do not go to window where people are renewing their passport)
To Nelscruz..thanks a lot for the information..
1. Requirements:
a. Photos (4 copies) – white background for green & blue for MRP
b. Photocopy of father passport (5 copies) - the page with photo not the RP page.
c. Photocopy of mother passport (5 copies) - the page with photo not the RP page.
d. Original birth certificate (white color)
e. Photocopy of original birth certificate (4 copies)
f. Original true copy of birth certificate (yellow color)
g. Photocopy of original true copy of birth certificate (4 copies)
h. Original marriage certificate (with red ribbon)
i. Photocopy of marriage certificate (5 copies)
j. Passport application form
k. Report of birth form
l. QR 300 fee (200 for passport and 100 for birth registration)
2. Steps to do:
a. Fill out the 2 forms (j & k) – write clearly in capital letters.
b. Make 4 sets of copies in arranged order as follows:
i. Birth certificate copy (white)
ii. Birth certificate copy (yellow)
iii. Father passport copy
iv. Mother passport copy
v. Marriage certificate
c. Come early to the embassy around 7:30am (open @ 8am) and go to ‘Birth, marriage & death’ section and list your name. (Do not go to window where people are renewing their passport)